
RISC World

Smart Pointer

A useful utility by Craig Beech

SmartPtr is a simple Desktop utility which hides the mouse pointer whenever you start typing. As soon as you move the mouse, the pointer will return. The module's front end provides an easy way of turning the SmartPtr feature on and off without leaving the Desktop.

Using SmatrPtr

SmartPtr is a relocatable module. It provides a single star command, *smartpointer which turns the system on or off. It should be followed by on or off depending on your requirements. If the command is issued without anything after it, the current state of the SmartPtr module will be shown.

A front end for the module is also included, and this is loaded when you double-click on the SmartPtr icon. Clicking on the icon turns the SmartPt� system on and off.

SmartPtr was originally published in RISC User Magazine in 1997
