Another exclusive Foundation RISCWorld application
Appendix B - Data Set Input
Data sets can be entered in a variety of ways to give maximum flexibility for the user.
If you are familiar with methods of data transfer between applications you should have no difficulty producing CSV or SID files to use as input for Locus. However, if you are unable to do this Locus can also use a standard textfile. Everyone has a copy of !Edit and so can produce textfiles. It is, of course. important that the user is aware of the constraints. If you try to use inappropriate data Locus may attempt to plot it until it generates an error. Errors of this type should not crash the application but the possibility does exist.
If you save a bi-variate (two variable) data set from a spreadsheet, database or Locus itself, then it will be in the correct format for Locus to load when the file icon is dragged to the main window. However if you wish to write your own data sets directly in a text editor, and this can be very useful, then you need to use the following format.
The first line must contain the Axis label names. If the names are unimportant then just type 'x,y'.
The following lines should consist of the two items of data. These must be separated by a comma and line must be concluded by pressing return.
A small data set in Textfile format might look like this:
Note that there must be a line feed (press Return) at the end of the last line.
Foundation RISCWorld