Another exclusive Foundation RISCWorld application
Exercise 11. Saving your work
We have already dealt with the saving of data sets but there are two other file formats that Locus can use to save data, LocFiles and DrawFiles
LocFiles are a special file format used only by Locus. They contain all the original settings, graphs and/or families of graphs that were on screen when the file was saved.
DrawFiles are the standard graphic format for all Acorn applications and should therefore be used if you want to the export graphs into a DTP document or have it displayed separately from the main Locus program. Saving in drawfile format also has the advantage that you can load the file into !Draw and add other data or text to it.
Everything that you see in the main Locus window will be saved as you see it and in the correct colours. Note that Locus does not use the draw module to display its graphs as the screen redraw is rather slow compared to the method actually used so saving a graph as a Drawfile will take a few seconds while the data is being converted.
Foundation RISCWorld