Makapu`u is an area just south of Waimanalo on O`ahu's windward shore. It is an area of great beauty. As you spin the VR, you'll see Makapu`u Point, Sea Life Park, Waimanalo Bay, The Makai Pier ( a University of Hawai`i research facility ), Rabbit Island (Manana) and Kaohikaipu Island.
This Vr was shot 11/11/96 at around 11:30 in the morning using a Kodak DC50 digital camera.
Makapu`u is pronounced Mock-ah-poo.
Kaohikaipu is pronounced Cow-hee-kie (like pie) - pooh.
All Quicktime VR's on these pages were shot & produced right here in Hawai`i and are copyright 1996 Hot Spots Hawai`i & Abbett VR Services