Tuesday, November 5th - election day. We're at the KQMQ/KPOI Offices at around 12:45...I wanted to shoot a vr in an office. Since I had to deliver dubs of my latest flight of radio spots for JC Penney, I decided that the Q was the friendliest place to shoot a fluorescent lit office kinda thang. Participants were, Robert the sales guy, Maggie (she does everything), John (an intern? a bear watcher?) and George Sepulvida the Production Manager (commercials, promos, etc.) Maggie and John play the twin set of twins and George plays our ghost...or is he beaming in?
Or is he beaming out?
This VR was shot with the DC50 with available on-location light, flash turned off. I only messed with the colors...as the walls were pretty green. It was gray and rainy outside.