<!--To use this script copy this part into your <head></head> tag. You need to edit the image location where it says "YOUR FIRST RELOADED IMAGE" and "YOUR FIRST ORIGIONAL IMAGE" --> <script language="JavaScript"> function startTime(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); mins= time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); closeTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs; closeTime+=3; // If you want it to wait loading longer or shorter adjust this number accordingly. Timer(); } function Timer(){ var time= new Date(); hours= time.getHours(); mins= time.getMinutes(); secs= time.getSeconds(); curTime=hours*3600+mins*60+secs if(curTime>=closeTime) reloadimg(); else window.setTimeout("Timer()",1000) } function reloadimg(){ document.img1.src = "YOUR FIRST RELOADED IMAGE" } </script> <!-- Now put this image any where in your page Body section of your page--> <img src="YOUR FIRST ORIGIONAL IMAGE" name="img1">
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