' "ReadMe" ReadMe program for satellite Tracker programs. ' -------- ' Version 1.00 : Last Mod 29th July 1989 by ACH ' (C) 1989 Mr A. C. Hewat G8NTH ' Main: predictionTime = 0 echo = 0 lastChoise = 0 oldSatellite = 0 oldChoise1 = 0 oldChoise2 = 0 Quit = -1 GOSUB ScreenSetup GOSUB Introduction WHILE Quit SLEEP WEND MENU OFF: MOUSE OFF: TIMER OFF WINDOW CLOSE 2: WINDOW CLOSE 3 SCREEN CLOSE 2 CLOSE #2 MENU RESET CLS STOP CheckMenu: menuId = MENU(0) menuItem = MENU(1) ON menuId GOTO Project,SatelliteChoise,Predictions,Display RETURN CheckMouse: mouseId = MOUSE(0) IF mouseId > 1 OR mouseId < -1 THEN GOTO TechInfo RETURN Project: MENU 1,lastChoise,1 IF menuItem = 3 AND echo = 1 THEN Jump MENU 1,menuItem,2 Jump: IF menuItem = 1 THEN CLS: GOSUB Introduction IF menuItem = 3 THEN GOSUB ScrnProj1 IF menuItem = 4 THEN Quit = 0 lastChoise = menuItem RETURN SatelliteChoise: MENU 2,oldSatellite,1 whichSatellite = menuItem MENU 2,whichSatellite,2 IF whichSatellite = 1 THEN satName$ = "MIR" IF whichSatellite = 2 THEN satName$ = "SALYUT 7" IF whichSatellite = 3 THEN satName$ = "AJISAI" IF whichSatellite = 4 THEN satName$ = "OSCAR 9" IF whichSatellite = 5 THEN satName$ = "OSCAR 10" IF whichSatellite = 6 THEN satName$ = "OSCAR 11" IF whichSatellite = 7 THEN satName$ = "OSCAR 12" IF whichSatellite = 8 THEN satName$ = "OSCAR 13" IF whichSatellite = 9 THEN satName$ = "RS 10/11" IF whichSatellite = 10 THEN satName$ = "NOAA9" IF whichSatellite = 11 THEN satName$ = "NOAA10" IF whichSatellite = 12 THEN satName$ = "NOAA11" GOSUB ScrnSat oldSatellite = whichSatellite RETURN Predictions: MENU 3,oldChoise1,1 choise1 = menuItem MENU 3,choise1,2 IF choise1 > 1 THEN IF choise1 = 2 THEN predictionTime = 60 IF choise1 = 3 THEN predictionTime = 180 IF choise1 = 4 THEN predictionTime = 360 IF choise1 = 5 THEN predictionTime = 720 IF choise1 = 6 THEN predictionTime = 1440 IF choise1 = 7 THEN predictionTime = 2880 IF choise1 = 8 THEN predictionTime = 10080 GOSUB ScrnPred1 RETURN END IF GOSUB ScrnPred oldChoise1 = choise1 RETURN Display: MENU 4,oldChoise2,1 choise2 = menuItem IF choise2 = 1 THEN CLS IF choise2 = 2 THEN CLS IF choise2 = 3 THEN CLS IF choise2 = 4 THEN CLS path = 4 GOSUB ScrnOut predictionTime = 0 MENU 3,oldChoise1,1 MENU 3,1,2 oldChoise1 = 1 oldChoise2 = choise2 TIMER ON RETURN ScreenSetup: SCREEN 2,640,250,4,2 WINDOW 2,"Read Me First!",,8,2 ON MENU GOSUB CheckMenu: MENU ON ON MOUSE GOSUB CheckMouse: MOUSE ON MENU 1,0,1,"Project " MENU 1,1,2," Map Display " MENU 1,2,1," " MENU 1,3,1," Serial Echo " MENU 1,4,1," Quit " MENU 2,0,1,"Satellite " MENU 2,1,1," MIR " MENU 2,2,1," Salyut-7 " MENU 2,3,1," Ajisai " MENU 2,4,1," OSCAR-9 " MENU 2,5,1," OSCAR-10 " MENU 2,6,1," OSCAR-11 " MENU 2,7,1," OSCAR-12 " MENU 2,8,1," OSCAR-13 " MENU 2,9,1," RS-10/11 " MENU 2,10,1," NOAA9 " MENU 2,11,1," NOAA10 " MENU 2,12,1," NOAA11 " MENU 3,0,1,"Predictions" MENU 3,1,1," Real Time " MENU 3,2,1," One hour " MENU 3,3,1," 3 hours " MENU 3,4,1," 6 hours " MENU 3,5,1," 12 hours " MENU 3,6,1," 24 hours " MENU 3,7,1," 48 hours " MENU 3,8,1," 7 days " MENU 4,0,1,"Display " MENU 4,1,1," Screen, Map " MENU 4,2,1," Screen, Text " MENU 4,3,1," Printer " MENU 4,4,1," Serial " RETURN Introduction: PRINT PRINT" ";CHR$(34);"Tracker";CHR$(34);" Satellite Tracking Program " PRINT" ------------------------------------" PRINT" (C) A. C. Hewat G8NTH, 1989 " PRINT PRINT"There are two programs, Tracker 8 and Tracker 9. Tracker 8 is for those with" PRINT"1 Mbyte computers and Tracker 9 is for unextended computers. Tracker 8 is a" PRINT"larger program which will display 5 satellites in real time whereas Tracker 9" PRINT"only displays 4. All the other features are removed. For all the programs" PRINT"you must add your own co-ordinates and of course set the date and time." PRINT PRINT"These satellite tracking programs will display satellites in real time. The" PRINT"satellite is positioned in real time above the appropriate position of the" PRINT"earths surface. The bottom lines of text show the appropriate status of the" PRINT"satellite currently being positioned. Several options are available via the" PRINT"menues at the top. A detailed description of each of the menus is available by" PRINT"selection. There are four menu headings: PROJECT, SATELLITE, PREDICTION," PRINT"DISPLAY. PROJECT has only two other options serial echo, which sends real time" PRINT"predictions to the serial port, and quit. SATELLITE lets you choose which one" PRINT"you wamt extended predictions for. PREDICTION is the length of time you want" PRINT"extended predictions for. DISPLAY lets you direct where you want the extended" PRINT"prediction to go, scn: com:, and its form, table graph etc." PRINT PRINT"Now try the Menues at the top using the right mouse button. The left mouse" PRINT"button for more information on the inner workings of the program and other" PRINT"options." PRINT PRINT"Different map displays are available. Plain or with political boundries. These" PRINT"are changed by listing "GetNames" and following instructions. RETURN TechInfo: CLS PRINT" Technical Information" PRINT" ---------------------" PRINT PRINT"Prediction calculations from Mr J R Miller G3RUH Plan 10 program, modified" PRINT"and extended for the Amiga by A C Hewat G8NTH. Any comments or suggestions" PRINT"good or otherwise are welcome. " PRINT" A C Hewat " PRINT" Redwood, Blanchards Hill, Jacobs Well" PRINT"If you must phone its in the book! Guildford, Surrey GU4 7QR. " PRINT" @ GB3UP-2 UoS BBS (Packet) " PRINT PRINT"James Miller has not seen this program so their is no point in asking him!" PRINT"If you change it for the better (or worse) please send me a copy. " PRINT"The program is completely event and menu driven. Can be used for " PRINT"multi-tasking and run as a background task, I think! The graphics routines" PRINT"require the library files which must be residant on the disk and in the same" PRINT"sub-directory. Basic must be on the same disk unless you add some extra" PRINT"lines to search for all the other bits and then change the directory to " PRINT"suit." PRINT PRINT"Satellite ephemeris are held as an array C1() to C13() towards the end of" PRINT"the program. " PRINT " PRINT"Lables start with a capital letter, variables do not and are all double " PRINT"precision. PRINT PRINT"The map was produced using DPaint 2. If you want a copy then a disk, with" PRINT"some usefull PD or compiled language and a SAE." RETURN ScrnProj1: CLS PRINT PRINT" Menu Selection: Project - Serial Echo " PRINT" ---------------" PRINT PRINT"The currently selected extended predection or the satellite just calculated" PRINT"will have all the parameters sent to the serial port in addition to the" PRINT"screen. " PRINT PRINT"The format is the same as the screen, viz: " PRINT" Satellite Lat Long Height MA EL AZ Range Rate Mode Illumination " PRINT PRINT"The serial port parameters are set up as part of this program and are" PRINT"out-putted on port com1: at 1200 baud no parity 7 data bits 2 stop bits. " RETURN ScrnSat: CLS PRINT PRINT" Menu Selection: Satellite - "; satName$ PRINT" ---------------" PRINT PRINT"You have chosen the "; PRINT satName$ ; PRINT" satellite for display and calculation of " PRINT"predictions. It is now necessary to choose a period for the predictions and " PRINT"where they are to be displayed. This is done from the next two menu " PRINT"selections. " RETURN ScrnPred: CLS PRINT PRINT" Menu Selection: Predictions - Real Time " PRINT" ---------------" PRINT PRINT"The real time option is the defult value. After the predictions have been " PRINT"displayed, printed or sent to the serial port etc the program will revert to" PRINT"this option. Selecting this option means that the program will just continue" PRINT"with its map display and satellite positioning." RETURN ScrnPred1: CLS PRINT PRINT" Menu Selection: Predictions - "; predictionTime PRINT" ---------------" PRINT PRINT"You have selected a "; PRINT predictionTime; PRINT" min period for predictions. " PRINT"Where these predictions are to be displayed is the last menu selection that" PRINT"needs to be made." RETURN ScrnOut: CLS PRINT PRINT" Menu Selection: Display -" PRINT" ---------------" PRINT PRINT"Screen, Map" PRINT"-----------" PRINT"The predictions are plotted on the map display and the information printed" PRINT"at the bottom of the screen." PRINT PRINT"Screen, Text" PRINT"------------" PRINT"The predictions are produced as a list on the screen when the satellite is" PRINT"above the horizon." PRINT PRINT"Printer" PRINT"-------" PRINT"The predictions are sent to the printer in the form of a list as above." PRINT PRINT"Serial" PRINT"------" PRINT"The predictions are sent to the serial port in the form of a list as above." PRINT"The serial port is com1: set up with 1200 baud, no parity 7 data bits 2" PRINT"stop bits." PRINT PRINT"After the prediction chosen above, the display will revert to real time" PRINT"display of the satellite or satellites. A new prediction can then be " PRINT"selected if required." RETURN