V A C A T I O N,Winter Break,Spring Break,Trip to the water,Plane trip,Train trip,Camping trip S C H O O L,First day of school,Last day of school,Homework due,Field trip,Supplies,Test (better study!) F R I E N D S,Friend coming over to play,Friend spending the night,Remember to call a friend,Going to a friend's house,Going out with a friend,Write letter to a friend B I R T H D A Y S 1,Mom's Birthday,Dad's Birthday,Brother's Birthday,Sister's Birthday,Grandma's Birthday,Grandpa's Birthday B I R T H D A Y S 2,Uncle's Birthday,Aunt's Birthday,Cousin's Birthday (Boy),Cousin's Birthday (Girl), Friend's Birthday (Boy),Friend's Birthday (Girl) H O M E,Chores,Pets,Video games,Library books,Video rental,Television show S P E C I A L E V E N T,Camping trip,Going to a movie,Going to the zoo,Going to a show,Going to the park,Going shopping A C T I V I T I E S 1,Baseball,Basketball,Soccer,Football,Skateboard,Hockey A C T I V I T I E S 2,Tennis,Martial Arts,Music,Dancing,Art,Computers