Euro Converter - logo
The Freeware Euro Converter

[ Download | Version History | Install Instructions ]

- Download -

- Version History -
    01-Jan-1999: Euro Converter 1.0 beta 1
    This is the first ever version.

    02-Jan-1999: Euro Converter 1.0 beta 2
    Corrected a few minor errors.
    Made it , and . compatible.
    Today I also made the Euro Converter-homepage

    03-Jan-1999: Euro Converter 1.0 beta 3
    Corrected a typo in the BEF and LUF exchange rates.

    09-Jan-1999: Euro Converter 1.0
    Removed Combo-box typing error
    You can now select the number of decimals.
    Made de Dutch-tab more flexible. Select your own currency!
    Added 'Save at exit'-switch, previously it just saved without asking
    You can now add a few currencies to the list. Edit the .rates file manually.
    A lot of work under the surface.

    15-Jan-1999: Euro Converter 1.01
    Added an Always-On-Top mini converter.

    20-Jan-1999: Currency Converter 1.0 beta 1
    The first ever version of the Freeware Currency Converter.

- Installing -

- Un-Installing -
    If you tried it and didn't like it, you might want to consider uninstalling. Go to the directory or folder you created for the program. Select the files and delete them, or drop them in the recycle-bin. Then remove the, now empty, directory or folder. You might discover a new file there named euroconv.settings. This is just a settings-file. Feel free to erase it. It only holds some information about your settings. Also remove the shortcuts you might have made.

    Don't worry about the registry or redundant DLL's or whatever Big Bill thinks up. It doesn't use any of it. The program only uses the directory or folder it is installed in.