a little tool to test & extract zips made by XmUrF (xmurf@urbanet.ch) get the latest version at http://home.span.ch/~spaw1185/mass/ => disclaimer I'm NOT responsible for the harm it could do to your system. there is no delete function in this program nothing useless is written in the registry the version 092 has been tested =>quick help(how duzit work ???): select a folder where there are *.zip files to test or extract click on test or extract =>version history v092: cleaned code again added two hints double click on message opens the log in notepad double click on the nfo windows opens the nfo in notepad v091: count files works now but it's still beta: you have to be in test mode + having redundant zip files names (abcXX.zip) in the folder o save position o when launched from shell, close o allow cancel (keep clicking I didn't want to slow down the whole process :) I've tested the extract and test feature they still work fine. v090 there are some option avaible o registry links (see pictures) o settings saving o file counting (BETA) =>troubleshooting: all feature are working but I still wait for your bug report this tool can extract individual zip but most "winzips" have more option mail me for bug report thx. If the error is a text, cut'n paste it in the mail. If the error is a message box take a screenshot (printscreen key and paste) check if the Unzip32.dll is in then c:\windows\system folder check if the VB6 runtimes Vbrun60.exe are installed check if commond dialog "Comdlg32.ocx" is in the c:\windows\system folder =>copyright: looks like the library used is free and i can't ask money for 10 pages of code... but: The source code (I mean the part I wrote myself) is my creation and therefor I can say it's copyrighted. Source code (vb 5-6) avaible on demand. You can change and (or) enhance anything so long it remains free. I'm NOT the autor of the unzip dll I'm NOT the autor of the registry access module =>to do: cleaning code again...(done v092) an install sequence debug (hope there aren't too much) =>backgrounds: everytimes i was unzipping "abcdXX.zip" archives on my computer with pkunzip i thought that it would be great to have a tool being able to do such task =>credit: using zipinfo zip library. http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip registry acces where made using the api documentation found on http://mvps.org/vbnet/