Running applications with custom display settings
1st QuickRes integrates with shell and allows you to specify custom display
settings for any application or document. If Show in property sheet
option is turned on in Options dialog, then special
1st QuickRes property page is added to the Properties dialog of any
application or document.
Applying custom display settings to application using this property page,
creates new shortcut. Launching this shortcut, opens the application in the
specified display mode, waits until it finishes and restores previous video
- To add custom display settings to any application or document:
- Right-click application or document and click Properties menu item.
- Properties dialog will be shown, 1st QuickRes page should be visible.
Select it using mouse or keyboard.
- Press Open with custom display settings button. Other controls should be
available now.
- Select desired desktop size (screen
resolution), color depth and refresh
rate. This is done in the same way as defining
favorite mode. And you can select any predefined favorite mode from the
- Uncheck Restore display settings on exit if you don't want the display
mode to be restored after finishing the application.
- Press OK or Apply button to create new link. New link has a
containing original application name and selected display mode.
- To edit a custom display settings link, open the Properties dialog
and edit the settings at the 1st QuickRes page.
You can quickly put a copy of the currently edited shortcut on the desktop by
pressing Make link on Desktop button in the 1st QuickRes property page.