KeyWords Seeker Help File
Copyright (c) Pitrinec Software, All Rights Reserved.























Today, in internet era, there are a lot of information coming to us every day and reading all the e-mails, web pages, on-line documents and other files becomes time consuming.  Almost any web site offers you to subscribe free e-mail newsletter but information you are consistently getting are not always interesting and worthy reading.   You often read e-mail and delete it because you find nothing interesting in it.   From other hand you do not want to miss worthy e-mails or overlook an information rich web pages.

KeyWords Seeker helps you to decide if the e-mail you got or web page you entered might be interesting for you.  The main idea is very simple: Within KeyWords Seeker, that silently runs showing just an icon in the system tray,  you create a file of keywords that are interesting for you (keywords can be divided to several groups called vocabularies).  When you enter a web page or open an e-mail and want to know if it is worthy to read just drag the KeyWords Seeker icon from the system tray and drop it on the document you have open on the screen.  The KeyWords Seeker will "read" the document and searches it through for defined keywords. If some keywords are found then they are listed in a window for you.  Depending on keywords found (or no keyword found) you can decide if the document is worthy further reading.  Using KeyWords Seeker you never miss important information but save great volume of time not having to read everything you get.

KeyWords Seeker features:

  • User can define unlimited number of keywords and group them logically in vocabularies (for example, Interesting software , Interesting companies, etc.).
  • Three type of matching keywords: any, all, exact phrase.
  • Either keywords of selected vocabulary or all keywords are searched in the document.
  • Easy to use user interface.
  • While running, the program doesn't occupy space on your desktop.

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Why to use it ?

  • There are to many interesting information around but no one is able to catch them all.  It is not important to read everything and know everything but it is important not to miss important or critical information.  Using KeyWords Seeker you can define set of keywords or phrases that covers what is interesting and important for you and if any of the keyword appears in an e-mail you get or web page you visit you cannot miss it.

  • There is an e-mail news letter offered to you almost on any web site you visit.  If you subscribe many of them you have not enough time to read them all.  But with KeyWords Seeker you can  read just the ones that contain some of your keywords defined.  You are able to effectively manage bigger amount of information in shorter time.

  • KeyWords Seeker can help you to check any electronic document for keywords occurance and make your working with documents more effective.

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How to use it ?

  1. Create vocabulary for each area of your interest and define keywords for each area.  For example, if you are interested in games you can create "Games" vocabulary and add keywords like "Sony Play station", "action", "3D", etc. there.
  2. Leave the program silently running in the tray. 
  3. If you are reading an e-mail announcement or visiting a web page drag (i) the KeyWords Seeker tray icon or (ii) a vocabulary icon and drop it on document (e-mail, web page, etc.) you read.
  4. The document is searched for keywords and if some of them is found the list of all keywords found is shown.
  5. In the list, select keyword you want to locate in the document and press "Go to" button.

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How does it work ?

When the KeyWords Seeker tray icon (or a vocabulary icon) is dropped in a document KeyWords Seeker sends a key sequence (Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C by default) that selects all the text and copies it to the clipboard.  The text is searched for keywords and if at least one is found the listing of keywords found is shown.  User can click "Go to" button in order to locate selected keyword in the document.  In such case the key sequence to bring up "Find" dialog of the application is sent (Ctrl+F by default).

Some applications maybe use keys other than Ctrl+A resp. Ctrl+F for selecting text resp. bringing up "Find" dialog.  If there are other keyboard sequences that allows to select all text then KeyWords Seeker can be customized to work with such application as well.  Read how to do that in Settings section of this help file.

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Drag & Drop

Searching for the keywords defined within KeyWords Seeker is as easy as drag & drop.  You can search (i) over all the keywords from all the vocabularies or (ii) search over keywords from one vocabulary.

  1. Drag the KeyWords Seeker tray icon and drop it on the document you read.
  2. Click on the KeyWords Seeker tray icon, drag a vocabulary icon and drop it on the document you read.

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A set of keywords (somehow related) is called vocabulary.  Each vocabulary has its own icon within "Vocabularies" tab.  Dragging the vocabulary icon to a document (web page opened in your web browser, an e-mail opened in your e-mail client, etc.) will cause the document is to be searched for the keywords of this vocabulary.  If at least one keyword is found then a window with listing of all keywords found is shown. (Dragging the KeyWords Seeker tray icon causes that all keywords from all vocabularies are searched in the document.)

The icon and the vocabulary name can be changed clicking "Properties" button. To add a new vocabulary icon press "Add" button in the vocabulary tab.  To delete a vocabulary icon press "Delete" button.  Be aware that deleting a vocabulary icon you will delete also all the keywords saved under this icon.

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Each vocabulary can contain unlimited number of keywords shown in a list in "Keywords" tab. One or more keywords per line is allowed.  Along with the keyword(s) user defines also the match pattern.  There are these three basic match patterns available:

  1. Any word - the search is considered as successful if any keyword from this line is found.  The search is case insensitive in this case and the order of keywords doesn't affect result in any way.
  2. All words - the search is considered as successful if all keywords from this line are found.  The search is case insensitive in this case and the order of keywords doesn't affect result in any way.
  3. Exact phrase - the search is considered as successful if the whole phrase defined in the line is found in the document.  The search is case insensitive.


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  • Keyword found - enable/disable sound played when a keyword is found in searched document.  If you are changing state of the check box from disabled to enabled then dialog allowing you to select sound file is shown.
  • Keyword not found - enable/disable sound played when a keyword is NOT found in searched document.  If you are changing state of the check box from disabled to enabled then dialog allowing you to select sound file is shown.

"Select all text" settings -  when the KeyWords Seeker icon is dropped in a document the KeyWords Seeker sends a key sequence that selects all the text and copies it to the clipboard.  This way the KeyWords Seeker gets the text in which it searchs for user defined keywords.  In most of applications the Ctrl+A (in KeyWords Seeker syntax <ctrl>a<ctrl>) selects all the text but there can be also applications implemented different way.   Such applications can be listed in "Specific" area of the "Select all text" settings dialog.   At first window title (partial) must be defined.  It defines relationship between key sequence required and application the search was performed in.  Then key sequence is specified.

Key sequence typically consists from Ctrl, Alt, Shift and other keys.  Here is list of keys available:

Alt = <alt>
Ctr = <ctrl>
Shif = <shift>
Enter = <enter>
Delete = <del>
Escape = <esc>
Left = <left>
Right = <right>
Up = <up>
Down = <down>
PgUp = <pgup>
PgDn = <pgdn>
Home = <home>
End = <end>
Insert = <insert>
Tab = <tab>
Back = <back>
F1 = F1>
F2 = <F2>
F3 = <F3>
F4 = <F4>
F5 = <F5>
F6 = <F6>
F7 = <F7>
F8 = <F8>
F9 = <F9>
F10 = <F10>
F11 = <F11>
F12 = <F12>

Other keys are the same as presented on the keyboard (a = a, 0 = 0, etc.).  Ctrl, Shift and Alt are a little bit special: <ctrl> means "press Ctrl key and hold it down" and next <ctrl> occurance means "release Ctrl key".  This means that for example Ctrl+F sequence syntax is <ctrl>f<ctrl>.  Or Alt+E,F keyboard sequence syntax is <alt>e<alt>f.

"Go to" settings -  "Go to" button of the "Keywords found" dialog works so that "Find" dialog of application where search was performed is brought up and selected keyword(s) is inserted there.  To bring up "Find" dialog the sequence of key press is used.  In many application Ctrl+F brings up such dialog.  Thus Ctrl+F (in KeyWords Seeker syntax <ctrl>f<ctrl>) key sequence is used as default.   In some applications other key sequence have to be used.  Such applications can be listed in "Specific" area of the "Go to" settings dialog.   At first window title (partial) must be defined.  It defines relationship between key sequence required and application the search was performed in.  Then key sequence is specified.

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Visit our web site to download the latest version and get the latest information.  Report all the bugs and feedback to

When reporting bugs or problems please include:

  • Operating system (Win95/98/NT):
  • PC configuration (Processor, RAM):
  • Problem description:

Please, keep in mind that more information you provide us about a problem give us better chance to find & fix the bug in a next release.

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License Agreement

Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Pitrinec Software (Author) grants to you a nonexclusive license to use the KeyWords Seeker software (Software).

1.Use of the Software.

The Software has been released for distribution as a FREEWARE and may be distributed at no cost.

You may install the Software on a hard disk or other storage device; install and use the Software on a file server for use on a network for the purposes of (i) permanent installation onto hard disks or other storage devices or (ii) use of the Software over such network; and make backup copies of the Software.


You are not allowed to modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software.

The Software can be distributed only as the package provided by the Author.  This package cannot be change in any way without written Author's permission.

3.No Warranty.


Unpublished-rights reserved under international copyright laws.

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