KeyWords Seeker for Windows 95/98/NT Copyright (c) 1999 Pitrinec Software, All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readme.txt content: 1. Overview 2. Installation 3. Requirements 4. License agreement 5. Contacts 6. History ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. OVERVIEW Today, in internet era, there are a lot of information coming to us every day and reading all the e-mails, web pages, on-line documents and other files becomes time consuming.  Almost any web site offers you to subscribe free e-mail newsletter but information you are consistently getting are not always interesting and worthy reading.   You often read e-mail and delete it because you find nothing interesting in it.   From other hand you do not want to miss worthy e-mails or overlook an information rich web pages. KeyWords Seeker helps you to decide if the e-mail you got or web page you entered might be interesting for you.  The main idea is very simple: Within KeyWords Seeker, that silently runs showing just an icon in the system tray,  you create a file of keywords that are interesting for you (keywords can be divided to several groups called vocabularies).  When you enter a web page or open an e-mail and want to know if it is worthy to read just drag the KeyWords Seekr icon from the system tray and drop it on the document you have open on the screen.  The KeyWords Seeker will "read" the document and searches it through for defined keywords. If some keywords are found then they are listed in a window for you.  Depending on keywords found (or no keyword found) you can decide if the document is worthy further reading.  Using KeyWords Seeker you never miss important information but save great volume of time not having to read everything you get. KeyWords Seeker features: - User can define unlimited number of keywords and group them logically in vocabularies (for example, Interesting software , Interesting companies, etc.) - Three type of matching keywords: any, all, exact phrase. - Either keywords of selected vocabulary or all keywords are searched in the document. - Easy to use user interface. - While running, the program doesn't occupy space on your desktop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. INSTALLATION To install the KeyWords Seeker to your system run SETUP.EXE program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. REQUIREMENTS - Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 or Windows NT - 1MB free disk space ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. LICENSE AGREEMENT Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Pitrinec Software (Author) grants to you a nonexclusive license to use the KeyWords Seeker software (Software). 1.Use of the Software. The Software has been released for distribution as a FREEWARE and may be distributed at no cost. You may install the Software on a hard disk or other storage device; install and use the Software on a file server for use on a network for the purposes of (i) permanent installation onto hard disks or other storage devices or (ii) use of the Software over such network; and make backup copies of the Software. 2.Restrictions. You are not allowed to modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software. The Software can be distributed only as the package provided by the Author. This package cannot be change in any way without written Author's permission. 3.No Warranty. ALL WARRANTIES ARE DISCLAIMED, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SOFTWARE. THE ENTIRE RISK OF THE USE OR THE RESULT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE REMAINS WITH THE USER. Unpublished-rights reserved under international copyright laws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. CONTACTS Postal: Pitrinec Software Petr Pitrinec Dloni Jircany 271 252 44 Psary Czech Republic E-mail: WWW: www.SoftwareUtilities.Com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. HISTORY Version 1.0 - initial release in December, 1999