You can now have LBC run a commandline console tool and grab the output of it to make menus on the fly.
Note: If you specify a .txt or .dat filename instead of an executable, it will be read directly and used.
· | // comments are preceded with the standard double forward slash |
· | Files are simply listed each on their own line, and added in order - you can specify documents or executables |
· | Directories are again listed each on their own line -- they will turn into fully expandable menus |
· | To insert a separator, specify the minus sign - on its own line |
· | To specify a non-clickable text header separator, specify a caption on a line starting with a minus sign - |
· | To make a submenu structure, start with the submenu label followed by a { at the end of the line, then specify the contents, each on their own line, and then end with a } on its own line. You can nest these to arbitrary depth. |
· | You can also specify a custom icon for any file,folder,submenu, which will overide any default for that item, by specifying at the end of the line /icon=full_path_to_icon |
· | You can specify a custom caption different from the filename/foldername by specifying at the start of the line Caption String | |
· | You can refer to the directory where the commandline tool resides with %comdir% |
· | You can precede a filepath with a < character to indicate that instead of a normal program to launch when a button is clicked, LBC should create a submenu whose contents are determined by the output of the commandline tool. |
// We start with a directory submenu
// then a separator
// then a submenu enclosing more entries, and with a custom icon
MyFiles /icon=%comdir%\smileyavatar.ico {
// and now some file entries (the indenting is optional)
-Final Stuff
// end with another text file, but with custom caption
My ToDo List|E:\MyDocs\Academic\Text\MyTodoList.txt