Photo Cutter
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Photo Cutter is the fastest photo cutting tool that can cut 100s of your photos in minutes. Here are the formats supported -

jpg, bmp, gif, tiff, png, emf, wmf

To start cutting photos -

·      You need to select the drive and folder in which your photos reside.
·      Now as you can see the list of photos, select the photo from which you want to start.
·      Select the output folder by clicking on browse.
·      Select the output format.
·      Check/Uncheck preview as per your needs.
·      Check/Uncheck "Cover more/less area..." as per your needs.
·      Now on the image select area to be cropped.
·      Now if preview was selected, you will see a preview of cropped image on your screen and "Select Again" and Save button will get enabled and you can choose either of them.
·      If preview was not selected, the select area on the image will be cropped and saved to output folder immediately and next photo will be displayed on screen.
·      Now lets discuss a great option "Cover more/less area...". Sometimes when we crop an image we want such image to be saved such that its width/height ratio matches our screen ratio(may be so that we can make it a wallpaper) or some other ratio. Media Cope makes it possible for you, when "Cover more/less area..." option is selected, the area you choose is extended or reduced to match the ratio given. It is amazing.