object AFfrmTabProcess: TAFfrmTabProcess Left = 0 Top = 0 ClientHeight = 179 ClientWidth = 139 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False OnClose = FormClose OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery OnCreate = FormCreate OnDestroy = FormDestroy PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object tmrUserPlayed: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 280 OnTimer = tmrUserPlayedTimer Left = 40 Top = 8 end object AppEvents: TApplicationEvents OnException = AppEventsException OnIdle = AppEventsIdle Left = 72 Top = 136 end object tmrFree: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 2 OnTimer = tmrFreeTimer Left = 8 Top = 8 end object alCtxMenu: TActionList Left = 8 Top = 136 object actCtxPasteAndEnter: TAction Tag = 20011 Caption = 'Paste and Submit' GroupIndex = 2 OnExecute = actCtxPasteAndEnterExecute OnUpdate = actCtxPasteAndEnterUpdate end object actCtxBv5: TAction Tag = 20000 Caption = '-' end object actCtxSearch: TAction Tag = 20001 Caption = 'Search' GroupIndex = 4 OnExecute = actCtxSearchExecute OnUpdate = actCtxTxtUpdate end object actCtxHighlight: TAction Tag = 20002 Caption = 'Highlight' GroupIndex = 4 OnExecute = actCtxHighlightExecute OnUpdate = actCtxHighlightUpdate end object actCtxBv1: TAction Tag = 20000 Caption = '-' end object actOpenDetach: TAction Tag = 20015 Caption = 'Open in Detached Tab' GroupIndex = 5 OnExecute = actOpenDetachExecute OnUpdate = actOpenDetachUpdate end object actOpenSplited: TAction Tag = 20016 Caption = 'Open in The Other Split Side' GroupIndex = 5 OnExecute = actOpenSplitedExecute OnUpdate = actOpenSplitedUpdate end object actCtxOpenNew: TAction Tag = 20003 Caption = 'Open in New %apptitle%' GroupIndex = 5 OnExecute = actCtxOpenNewExecute OnUpdate = actCtxOpenNewUpdate end object actCtxOpenPrivate: TAction Tag = 20004 Caption = 'Open in New %apptitle% [Private Mode]' GroupIndex = 5 OnExecute = actCtxOpenPrivateExecute OnUpdate = actCtxOpenPrivateUpdate end object actCtxBM: TAction Tag = 20005 Caption = 'Add to Bookmarks' OnExecute = actCtxBMExecute OnUpdate = actCtxUpdate end object actCtxBv2: TAction Tag = 20000 Caption = '-' end object actCtxDownload: TAction Tag = 20012 Caption = 'Download' OnExecute = actCtxDownloadExecute OnUpdate = actCtxDownloadUpdate end object actCtxDownloadAll: TAction Tag = 20013 Caption = 'Download All' OnExecute = actCtxDownloadAllExecute OnUpdate = actCtxUpdate end object actCtxDownloadVideos: TAction Tag = 20014 Caption = 'Download Videos' OnExecute = actCtxDownloadVideosExecute OnUpdate = actCtxDownloadVideosUpdate end object actCtxBv3: TAction Tag = 20000 Caption = '-' end object actCtxBlock: TAction Tag = 20006 Caption = 'Add to AD Black List' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = actCtxBlockExecute OnUpdate = actCtxUpdate end object actCtxBlockAll: TAction Tag = 20007 Caption = 'Block All Images from the Same Server' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = actCtxBlockAllExecute OnUpdate = actCtxUpdate end object actCtxBv4: TAction Tag = 20000 Caption = '-' end object actCtxOpenAll: TAction Tag = 20008 Caption = 'Open All Links in This Page' OnExecute = actCtxOpenAllExecute OnUpdate = actCtxUpdate end object actCtxBv6: TAction Tag = 20000 Caption = '-' end object actCtxCopyImgUrl: TAction Tag = 20009 Caption = 'Copy Picture Link' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = actCtxCopyImgUrlExecute OnUpdate = actCtxUpdate end object actCtxOpenImgNew: TAction Tag = 20010 Caption = 'Open Picture in New Tab' GroupIndex = 1 OnExecute = actCtxOpenImgNewExecute OnUpdate = actCtxUpdate end end object thdClose: TWinThread OnException = thdThreadExcep OnExecute = thdCloseExecute Left = 8 Top = 104 end object tmrShowFloatingBar: TTimer Interval = 600 OnTimer = tmrShowFloatingBarTimer Left = 40 Top = 40 end object tmrMouseMoved: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 5 OnTimer = tmrMouseMovedTimer Left = 8 Top = 40 end object tmrResetDragDrop: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 2000 OnTimer = tmrResetDragDropTimer Left = 104 Top = 8 end object tmrNoUse: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 15000 OnTimer = tmrNoUseTimer Left = 72 Top = 40 end object thdCloseHangs: TWinThread OnException = thdThreadExcep OnExecute = thdCloseHangsExecute Left = 40 Top = 104 end object tmrTerminate: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 160 OnTimer = tmrTerminateTimer Left = 104 Top = 40 end object tmrDelayGetKeyword: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 500 OnTimer = tmrDelayGetKeywordTimer Left = 8 Top = 72 end object alCtxEngines: TActionList Left = 40 Top = 136 object actRenderingEngine: TAction Caption = 'Rendering Engine' end object actReloadIE7: TAction Tag = 20020 Caption = 'Reload with IE Compatible Engine' HelpContext = 7000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actReloadIE8: TAction Tag = 20021 Caption = 'Reload with IE8 Engine' HelpContext = 8000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actReloadIE9: TAction Tag = 20022 Caption = 'Reload with IE9 Engine' HelpContext = 9000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actReloadIE10: TAction Tag = 20023 Caption = 'Reload with IE10 Engine' HelpContext = 10000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actReloadFF: TAction Tag = 20024 Caption = 'Reload with Firefox Engine' HelpContext = 101 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actReloadWK: TAction Tag = 20025 Caption = 'Reload with Webkit Engine' HelpContext = 102 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actNewIE7: TAction Tag = 20026 Caption = 'View in New Tab with IE Compatible Engine' HelpContext = 7000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actNewIE8: TAction Tag = 20027 Caption = 'View in New Tab with IE8 Engine' HelpContext = 8000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actNewIE9: TAction Tag = 20028 Caption = 'View in New Tab with IE9 Engine' HelpContext = 9000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actNewIE10: TAction Tag = 20029 Caption = 'View in New Tab with IE10 Engine' HelpContext = 10000 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actNewFF: TAction Tag = 20030 Caption = 'View in New Tab with Firefox Engine' HelpContext = 101 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end object actNewWK: TAction Tag = 20031 Caption = 'View in New Tab with Webkit Engine' HelpContext = 102 OnExecute = actSwitchEngineExecute OnUpdate = actSwitchEngineUpdate end end object asImgShell: TAdvStrings Tag = 1 Strings.Strings = ( 'var fitType = 0;' 'var rotateAngle = 0;' 'var zoom = 1;' 'var scale = 1;' 'var inited = 0;' '' 'function RotateClockWise(){' ' zoom = 1;' ' rotateAngle += 90;' ' rotateAngle = rotateAngle % 360;' ' ReloadImg();' '}' '' 'function RotateAntiClockWise(){' ' zoom = 1;' ' rotateAngle -= 90;' ' rotateAngle = (rotateAngle + 360) % 360; ' ' ReloadImg();' '}' '' 'function FitImg(){' #9'fitType++;' '' #9'if (fitType>2)' #9#9'fitType=0;' '' #9'ReloadImg();' '}' '' 'function GetImgOriginalSize(aurl)' '{' ' var originImage=new Image();' ' originImage.src = aurl;' ' var ret = {width:originImage.width, height:originImage.heig' + 'ht};' ' delete originImage;' ' return ret;' '}' '' 'function IsIE(){' ' if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Explorer") > -1)' ' return true;' ' else' ' return false;' '}' '' 'function GetWinSize(){' ' var winSize = {width:0,height:0};' #9 ' if(IsIE())' ' {' ' winSize.width = document.body.clientWidth;' ' winSize.height = document.body.clientHeight;' ' }' ' else' ' {' ' winSize.width = window.innerWidth;' ' winSize.height = window.innerHeight;' ' }' '' ' winSize.width -=2;' ' winSize.height -=2;' ' return winSize;' '}' '' 'function GetPos(){' ' var pos = {left:0,top:0,width:0,height:0};' ' ' ' var oImg = document.getElementById("_Avant_Force_Scripted_Pi' + 'cture_Element_000");' ' var originalImgSize = {width:0,height:0};' ' originalImgSize = GetImgOriginalSize(oImg.src);' ' ' ' if(originalImgSize.width ==0)' ' {' ' originalImgSize.width = oImg.offsetWidth;' ' originalImgSize.height = oImg.offsetHeight;' ' }' ' ' ' if((rotateAngle == 0) || (rotateAngle==180))' ' {' ' pos.width = originalImgSize.width ;' ' pos.height = originalImgSize.height;' ' }' ' else if((rotateAngle == 90) || (rotateAngle == 270))' ' {' ' pos.width = originalImgSize.height;' ' pos.height = originalImgSize.width;' ' }' ' else' ' {' ' //alert("wrong rotateAngle !");' ' }' ' var winSize = GetWinSize();' '' ' var wScale = winSize.width/pos.width;' ' var hScale = winSize.height/pos.height;' '' ' if(fitType==0)' ' {' ' if((wScale < 1) || (hScale < 1))' ' {' ' if(wScale < hScale)' ' {' ' scale = wScale;' ' }' ' else' ' {' ' scale = hScale;' ' }' ' }' ' else' ' {' ' scale = 1;' ' }' ' ' ' pos.width = Math.floor(pos.width*scale);' ' pos.height = Math.floor(pos.height*scale);' ' }' ' else if(fitType==1)' ' {' ' scale = 1;' ' pos.width = Math.floor(pos.width*scale);' ' pos.height = Math.floor(pos.height*scale);' ' }' #9'else if(fitType==2)' ' {' ' if((wScale < 1) || (hScale < 1))' ' {' ' if(wScale > hScale)' ' {' ' scale = wScale;' ' }' ' else' ' {' ' scale = hScale;' ' }' ' }' ' else' ' {' ' scale = 1;' ' }' ' ' ' pos.width = Math.floor(pos.width*scale);' ' pos.height = Math.floor(pos.height*scale);' ' }' ' else' ' {' ' scale = scale * zoom;' ' pos.width = Math.floor(pos.width*scale);' ' pos.height = Math.floor(pos.height*scale);' ' }' ' ' ' pos.left = 0;' ' pos.top = 0;' ' return pos;' '}' '' 'function ReloadImg(){' ' var posObj = GetPos();' ' var oImg = document.getElementById("_Avant_Force_Scripted_Pi' + 'cture_Element_000");' ' if(oImg == null) return;' #9'document.body.style.position = "absolute";' #9'oImg.style.position = "absolute";' #9'var rotation = Math.floor(rotateAngle/90);' #9'oImg.style.filter="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage' + '(Rotation="+rotation+")";' '' #9'if((rotateAngle == 90) ||(rotateAngle ==270)){' #9#9'oImg.width = posObj.height;' #9#9'oImg.height = posObj.width;' #9'}else{' #9#9'oImg.width = posObj.width;' #9#9'oImg.height = posObj.height;' #9'}' #9'oImg.style.posLeft = posObj.left;' #9'oImg.style.posTop = posObj.top;' #9'window.status = "";' ' window.defaultStatus = "";' '}' '' 'function doResize(){' #9'if (inited==0) ' #9' return;' #9'if (fitType==1) ' #9' return;' #9' ' ' ReloadImg();' '}' '' 'function Init(){' #9'var oImg = document.getElementById("_Avant_Force_Scripted_Pictu' + 're_Element_000");' #9'if(oImg != null)' #9#9'return;' #9'document.images[0].id = "_Avant_Force_Scripted_Picture_Element_' + '000";' '' #9'window.onresize = doResize;' #9'fitType = 0;' #9'ReloadImg();' #9'inited = 1;' '}' '' 'Init();') Left = 104 Top = 136 end object tmrActivateMaster: TTimer Enabled = False Interval = 80 OnTimer = tmrActivateMasterTimer Left = 72 Top = 8 end end