Drag and Drop Operations

Just Manager supports standard Window's Drag and Drop operations.  Only the file panels will function with Drag and Drop (ie. you cannot drop files on the Drive Buttons or Drive Lists).  This section describes how to use the Drag and Drop features.


Any file or folder (or groups of files and folders if more than one item is selected) can be used in drag and drop operations.  Simply left click on the item(s) and hold down the left mouse button and then drag it and drop it (release the left mouse button) on the desired target.

Sources can also be files or folders outside of Just Navigator (other applications that support drag and drop).


Files cannot be the target of drag and drop operations.  The current folder in the file panel can be used as the target of a drag and drop operation by dropping the objects in either an empty portion of the panel or on the scroll bars.

Any single folder (including the ".." entry can be used by dropping the objects directly on that folder.

Targets can also be outside of Just Manager (other applications such as the Windows desktop).


Just Manager supports three drag and drop functions: copy, move, and shortcut.  By default Just Manager will copy items dropped in a file panel and will move items to targets outside of Just Manager (ie. the Windows Desktop).


The copy function is shown by displaying a [+] icon during the drag and drop function.  The copy function can be forced by pressing and holding the [Ctrl] key.  The copy function will make a new copy of the items in the target while leaving the source items untouched.

If the target already exists then an overwrite dialog is displayed (see below).


The move function is shown by displaying a [ ] icon (rectangle) during the drag and drop function.  The move function can be forced by pressing and holding the [Shift] key.  The move function will make a new copy of the items in the target and when the copy has completed successfully the original source items will be deleted.

If the target already exists then an overwrite dialog is displayed (see below).


The shortcut function is shown by displaying a [curved arrow] icon during the drag and drop function.  The shortcut function can be forced by pressing and holding the [Alt] key.  The shortcut function will create a shortcut to the items in the target while leaving the source items untouched.

If the target already exists then another shortcut will be created with a numbered name (ie. "Item - Shortcut" exists then "Item - Shortcut (2)" will be created).

Overwriting Targets

If the source and target folders are the same folder then an error dialog is displayed.

If the target item(s) exist during a copy or move operation then a dialog will be displayed offering the following options:

Shell Interface

Copy and Replace

This option will overwrite the target file with the contents of the source file.

Don't Copy

This option will skip the copy/move operation.  The original file will remain intact and in the event of a move operation the source file will not be deleted.

Copy, but keep both files

This option will copy/move the file but it will not overwrite the target file.  The new target file will be renamed with a numeric index appended to the filename (ie. filename.ext will become filename (2).ext).  The first unused number (starting with 2) will be used.

Do this for the next n conflicts

If more than one file being copied/moved will result in an overwrite then this option will be presented as a checkbox (where n represents the number of overwrites to be performed).  Checking this control will result in all overwrites using the option selected.  If the checkbox is not checked then the dialog will be repeated for each operation.

Just Manager Internal Interface


This option will overwrite the target file with the contents of the source file.

Yes to All

This option will overwrite the target file with the contents of the source file.  Furthermore, any other items that conflict will also be overwritten.


This option will skip the copy/move operation.  The original file will remain intact and in the event of a move operation the source file will not be deleted.

No to All

This option will skip the copy/move operation.  The original file will remain intact and in the event of a move operation the source file will not be deleted.  Furthermore, any other items that conflict will also be skipped.


This option will copy/move the file but it will not overwrite the target file.  The new target file will be renamed manually.  A dialog is displayed where you can enter the new filename.


This option will copy/move the file but it will not overwrite the target file.  The new target file will be renamed with a numeric index appended to the filename (ie. filename.ext will become filename (2).ext).  The first unused number (starting with 2) will be used.


When using Darg and Drop and the Target is a file panel an autoscroll feature is supported.  If the mouse cursor is held orver the top or bottom entry in the file panel then the panel will automatically scroll up or down as appropriate.  This feature allows for dragging and dropping files and folders to subfolders that are not being displayed in the current file panel.

FTP Panels

Drag and Drop operations are not currently supported in FTP file panels.

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