Some of the individual picture sources have lots of little ways you can tweak them to get the best out of them and this section is the place for them.
All Picture Sources
- Exclude thumbnail mosaics from random display mode - if you're using the random picture mode and a thumbnail mosaic is chosen, you'll notice that it takes a while to build up and change your background. If you're too impatient to wait you can choose this option to never generate a mosaic.
- Save all full-sized downloaded pictures - you can specify a folder where all full-sized pictures downloaded from all pictures rouces are kept (note that this doesn't apply to montage photos - you can access them via the Cached Picture Browser). If one of these photos is going to be shown again, JBS will look to see if it's downloaded already and if so use it. Look in this folder for a JBSReadme.txt file that will explain how you can go from the downloaded picture to the picture page. You can then choose how long you want to keep these photos to stop them from filling up your hard drive:
- Keep them forever
- Delete after 24 hours
- Delete after 1 week
- Delete after 2 weeks
- Delete after 1 month
- Delete after 3 months
- Delete after 6 months
Folder Options
- Choose pictures from selected folders and sub-folders (recurse) - if you're lazy and just want to add a top-level folder for selection when you add a folder and JBS pick up all pictures in all sub-folders, then this is the option for you.
- Ignore pictures in the following folders and sub-folders - if you have some folders you definitely don't want any pictures chosen from when adding a folder to JBS, add them here.
- Exclude pictures that match the following Regular Expression - if you want to exlude pictures that match a particular string, then this is where you can set that value. Note that it is a case-sensitive regular expression and if you're not familiar with regular expressions then I'd recommend you read up on them.
Flickr Options
- Choose photos by interestingness - let Flickr decide which photos are the most interesting.
- Choose the newest photos first - alternatively you can choose photos by date instead.
- Use largest available image size - if you have a large monitor then you'll want the largest pictures Flickr has available.
- Ignore photos with these tags - if you can't stand pictures of pandas, then you can add the tag 'panda' to this list. No more dreaded pandas!
SmugMug Options
- Always use 'Original' SmugMug photos for full screen pictures - for the large monitor user select this option to make sure you're always using the largest picture available.