Death Star Officer --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Lt. Overkill --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Lt. Ksriman --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- THE GAYASS --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- THE RETARD --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- THE DUMBASS --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- THE STUPIDASS --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Luke Skywalker --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Han Solo --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Princess Leia Organa --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Grand Moff Tarkin --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Young Obi-Wan --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- See Threepio (C-3PO) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Artoo-Detoo (R2-D2) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Chewbacca --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Darth Vader --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Voice Of Darth Vader --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Uncle Owen --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Aunt Beru --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Chief Jawa --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- General Dodonna --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- General Willard --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Red Leader --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Red Two (Wedge) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Red Three (Biggs) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Red Four (John "D") --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Red Six (Porkins) --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Qui-Gon Jinn --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Yoda --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Anakin Skywalker --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The Emperor --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Admiral Piett --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- General Veers --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Admiral Ozzel --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Captain Needa --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Lando Calrissian