AceMoney is capable of generating the following types of reports:
You can watch the content of some reports as a table or as diagrams. To change the report representation use tabs located at the top of the screen.
Net Worth Report
This report shows how much money you had since you've started tracking your spending in AceMoney. Every row represents a period of dates with total at the end of period. The diagram shows dynamics of your spending in time.
Spending by categories
This report shows how much money you have spent by category. The result of the report is a table. Every row represents a category with total amount of money. Double click on it and AceMoney will show you a list of transactions belonging to the selected category.
Spending by payees
This report shows how much money you have spent with every payee. The result of the report is a table. Every row represents a payee with total amount of money. Double click on it and AceMoney will show you a list of transactions belonging to the selected payee.
Transactions report
This type of report allows you to view all transactions that satisfy filter criteria.
Budget report
Budget report shows how good you are maintaining your budget. It show to you the actual amounts spent during the selected period of time and compares them with the planned limits, that you have setup in the Category View.
Filter criteria consist of Dates range, Accounts, Categories and Payees to be included in the report. Select the corresponding checkboxes at the left hand side of the screen to enable any of those filters and then set up filter content.
Any generated report can be added to the list of favorite reports. Favorite report is a generated report with user defined criteria. For instance, you can run a category report, select Grocery related categories and add this report to favorites. It will be saved in the data file and next time you won't need to setup filter again. This report will appear in the menu Reports as a separate menu item. Simply select it from the menu and that's it, it will be regenerated for the latest data.
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