Adding an Envelope to a Sample

Envelopes are located in the bottom right of the Wavetable Editor. To enable them you must add a machine that uses them to the current song. The Jeskola Tracker is a good example of a machine which uses envelopes. Once you have a valid machine in your song, follow these steps to add an envelope:

  1. Select the Sample you wish to add an envelope to from the Song Wavetable (Upper Left).

  2. Select the machine and envelope you wish to apply from the bottom right envelope section of the screen.

  3. Be sure to enable the envelope by un-checking the disabled box.

  4. Click anywhere in the black envelope window to add handles. You may then edit these handles by clicking and dragging into any form you wish. You may also use the ADSR tool to help shape complex envelopes.

  5. Select a Sustain point by right-clicking on a point's handle and enabling the Sustain option. A check will appear next to the word sustain along with a vertical hashed line indicating that this point is the single sustain point for this envelope.

  6. In this example an amplitude envelope has been placed on a Jeskola Tracker. This envelope will now be applied every time this sample is played. You are free to edit this envelope at any time.

Note: Remember that each envelope is related to a sample and one individual machine. This means that you may have many envelopes for each sample, all tied to separate machines.