Setting Song Begin and End Points
As stated, a sequence is nothing more then a serie of patterns which trigger linked machines to produce and modify sounds. This being the case, sometimes you do not want to listen to the entire sequence every time you are busy editing and engineering your audio. To solve this problem, Buzz allows you to set a song Start and End point.

Setting the Song Begin Point

To set the Begin Point for a song, move your cursor to the desired row and press CTRL-B. This will place a thin horizontal hashed black line indicating that the song will begin there when played.

Setting the Song End Point

To set a song End Point, move your cursor to the desired row and press CTRL-E Two Times. (Pressing it one time sets a Loop point). This will place a thick black horizontal line indicating that the song end point has been placed. Note: If a hashed horizontal line has been placed, it means you have set a loop point rather then an End Point. Press CTRL-E one more time to turn it into a song End Point.