Understanding Samples in the Wavetable
Buzz allows you to load as many samples as you wish. Samples may be assigned envelopes which include as many points as you wish. This means you are in no way limited to simple ADSR envelopes. These samples many then be referenced by number from any machine which supports Wavetable. This counts for most Drum Machines, Trackers, Granulator synths and Synthesizers which allow waves as oscillators.
Element Description
Sample Number This area gives you the number of the sample. This number will be used to refer to the sample in the trackers and other machines..
Sample Name Default, this field presents the filename of the sample that you loaded here. To make your song more ordered, you can just change this name as you wish.
Additional Sample Space You may fill this list with as many samples as you need. Just remember that your song will grow with each sample added. If you wish to easily transmit your song to friends with slower internet connections, it will become a much slower process with more samples.