Wavetable Editor File Support

Buzz supports the following file formats:

Windows Wave (.WAV)

The .WAV file was invented by Microsoft as the standard windows audio file format. Windows Wave files hold data without compression and loss-less quality. These files are available just about everywhere and supported by nearly every audio program on the Windows platform. Buzz supports the following features of Windows .WAV files:

  • 8 or 16 Bit
  • 8kHz-196kHz (for Internal oversampling)
  • Mono or Stereo (older machines may experience problems with stereo samples. For playing stereo samples, the most suitable machine right now is the Matilde Tracker)
Fast Tracker II Instrument (.XI)

The .XI standard was invented by Triton (now Starbreeze Studios) in the early 90's as a multi-sample instrument file format for their Fast Tracker II tracking software. Unfortunately Buzz does not support the full feature set of .XI's (buggy Multi-sample support), but serves the purpose of saving loop points well. Buzz supports the following features of the .XI file format:
  • 8 or 16 Bit
  • 8Khz-44Khz
  • Loop Points
  • Partial Multi-sample Support (doesn't correctly load all files)