MaxB YABuzzTools: Scales

It's simple: the window is divided into two parts: left and right. In left part you select the scale in which the notes are and in right part you select the scales to which the notes will be transposed - you can also use Octave Change - if 0, the octaves remain unchanged. If it's 1, the notes are raised for 1 octave and if it's -2 the notes are lowered for 2 octaves. You can raise/lower notes for 6 octaves. If that's not good for you, copy the transposed notes, and lower/raise note again.

You can enter notes by typing the note name in left part - at this time, you must enter each note in this form: C-4 or c-4 or C4 or c4 if there's not # and C#4 or c#4 if there is #. You must enter octave number! In this program version you have to type the notes the way you would type them in a text processor - in future I intend to add the ability to enter notes the way you enter them in Buzz, and to add a grafical keyboard.

Warning: this works well if source and desired scales have the same number of notes (transposing from major to minor works OK - which major/minor is, doesn't matter). For example, when transposing from C-major (7 notes in an octave) to C-Pentatonics (5 notes in an octave) notes in left part (source notes) A-4 and C-5 give the same result C-5. I'm not trained musician so I don't know how to properly transpose notes in this case - if somebody knows, please let me know via e-mail!

If you have scales that are not included in the program, please send them to me! You can also manually edit 'scales.ini' file to add scales but I would prefer that you send them to me so that everybody can use them when I add them into new releases. If you can send me scales transposed to note C. Just mark which keys are included in an octave - for ex. c-minor: C-yes C#no D-yes D#yes E-no F-yes F#no G-yes G#yes A-no A#yes B-no. And it's that simple! In future releases I'll add import/export ability for scales.

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