Geonik's DirectX Sound Driver
by George Nicolaidis
This is a wave output driver for Buzz that uses DirectSound. It should perform better than the standard multimedia wave output driver in terms of latency (I get 40ms). It requires that DirectX 3 or later is installed on your system.
Put the dll in <buzzdir>/WaveOutput/
What's new
Release 1 | Initial release |
Release 2 | Faster, less clicks, small bugs, new registry key 'CpuLag' |
Release 3 | Quantized buffer for efficiency, Cpulag to the config dialog |
Select the driver in Buzz wave output configuration and press 'config' for more options
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Device | Select your DirectSound Device for output (not important unless you have two or more soundcards) |
Latency | How many ms of audio data to buffer. Lower values make Buzz more responsive and increase as well the probality of pops and noise |
Resolution | In how many parts to divide the buffer. For example a latency of 80ms and a resolution of 4x creates four buffers of 20ms each |
Timing | How frequently the driver refreshes its buffers. Should be less than latency / resolution |
Dither | Slightly better sound quality, some more overhead too |
This release should be more stable than its predecesor... There is that new registry key, 'CpuLag' that seems to be all-important. The faster your cpu the smallest it can be. For my P200 I found that 1500 gave the best results. If you get clicks and noise for all possible values of Latency, then try to change that key. Perhaps I will add it to the config dialog later. For ideas, suggestions, flames, etc mail
Contact Information
Author | George Nicolaidis | | |
HomePage | |