the interface file begin always with this line : <MixVibes Config>
// indicate a comment.
A heading begins with the caracter % (ex %MIXER)
There are 8 heading :
Inside each heading, you will find fields.
A field begins with the caracter : (ex :FONT)
there are 3 special fields :
These special fields could be found in many headings and multiple.
Others fields are unique for each heading.
x,y | coordinates inside the window in pixels |
w | field width in pixels |
h | field height in pixels |
font | font number (1 to 5) |
opt | option (depend of the field) |
ct | color for text or border in RGB(red,green,blue) |
cb | color for backgound in RGB(red,green,blue) |
co | other color in RGB(red,green,blue) (depend of the field) |
tooltips | tooltips |
the syntax is : x y w h font color text
color is the color for the text. Text have no background color. There are drawn transparently.
text is define inside " "
the syntax is : x y w h color_border color_back
if color_back = -1 then there is no background color drawn
if color_border= -1 then there is no border drawn
the syntax is : x y width height option transparent_color file
there are 4 options
width and height not used yet
if transparent_color is defined then the bitmap will be drawn transparently : all pixels having the color transparent_color in the bitmap will be replaced with the background color
there are 7 fields.
only the ct (color text) and cb (color back) are used for the media base window
only the ct (color text) and cb (color back) are used for the sequencer window
the syntax is : font_number size style name
Style are defined as
there are 6 fields.
the first field :EQUALIZER describes general ibnformation about the equalizer control
x: number of pixels separator for each equalizer slider
y: db range for each equalizer slider
w: width for the window control
h: height for the window control
ct: color for text
ct: color for background
if option is 1 then mixvibes display a 2 channels stereo equalizer (default is 1 channel)
:PRESET is for the preset combo box
:EQON is for state button equalizer on off
:EQSLIDERS describes equalizer sliders
x,y : position in pixel for first slider
:EQSLIDERSTEXT displays band equalizer text
you can also insert :TEXT, :BORDER, :BITMAP fields
there are 15 fields.
the first field :VOLUME describes general information about the volume control
x: number of pixels separator for each sound cards found by MixVibes
y: not used
w: width for the window control
h: height for the window control
ct: color for text
ct: color for background
if option is 1 then mixvibes will display a border for each sound card
each control manages the Windows Multimedia Mixer (the speaker inside system tray)
:MAINVOL main volume of the sound card
:PAN main pan of the wave device
:BASS bass (some sound card
cannot manage bass)
:TREBLE treble (some sound card cannot manage treble)
:WAVE wave source
:MIC microphone
:CD cd source
:LINE line source
:MIDI midi source
you can also insert :TEXT, :BORDER, :BITMAP fields
there are 13 fields.
the first field :CROSSFADER describes general information about the crossfader control
x: not used
y: not used
w: width for the window control
h: height for the window control
ct: color for text
ct: color for background
:CROSSVOL the volume control for the crossfader
:CROSSCHA the spin control for selecting the mixer
channel assigned to crossfader (channel A)
:CROSSCHB the spin control for selecting the
mixer channel assigned to crossfader (channel B)
:AUTOA auto crossfading button (channel A)
:AUTOB auto crossfading button (channel B)
:FADETYPE there are 6 fade types
:UPDATE state button for updating the mixer volume (default)
:BEATMATCHING state button for doing auto beat matching when auto crossfading
:JOGA jog dial
:PITCHBENDA pitch bend
you can also insert :TEXT, :BORDER, :BITMAP fields
there are 4 fields.
the first field :MIXER describes general information about the main mixer window
x,y: not used
w,h: pixel separator between each channel mixer
ct: color for text
cb: color for background
if option is 1 then mixvibes will drawn screws
:CHANNEL describes information about each channel mixer
x,y: position of the first channel mixer
w : width of each channel mixer
h : height of each channel mixer
,h: pixel separator between each channel mixer
ct: color for border
ct: color for background
if option is 1 then mixvibes will drawn a border for each channel
:COUNTER display the main counter in the mixer window
:DJNAME display the dj name in the mixer window
This heading describes all controls inside mixer channel.
You can define until there are 76 fields.
:CH | channel number text |
:BPM | Bpm text |
:TIME | time |
:DUR | duration |
:PITCH | Pitch text |
:NAME | Media Name text |
:TRACK | Track number text |
:FRAMETEXT | Frame value in ms text |
:LEVEL | level vue meter |
:MUTE | mute button |
:LOOP | loop button |
:SLAVE | master slave button |
:STATE | play state |
:PLAYPAUSE | Play/Pause button |
:CUE | Cue button |
:PLAY | Play button |
:STOP | Stop button |
:FRAME | Frame button |
:DISPLAY | Display button |
:ADD | Add button |
:EDIT | Edit button |
:FWD | Forward button |
:BACK | Backward button |
:MONITOR | Monitor button |
:GAIN | Gain knob |
:OUT | Out Selector |
:VOL | Volume slider |
:PAN | Pan Slider |
:BASS :MID :TREB | Bass/Middle/Treble knob |
:KBASS :KMID :KTREB | Killer frequency Bass/Middle/Treble |
:DIRECT | Direct mode button |
:VOICE | Voice removal button |
:PLAYBAR | Play Bar |
:JOG | Jog & Shuttle |
:PITCHBEND | Pitch bend slider |
:PITCHBUTTON | Pitch button +/- (2 buttons) |
:EFFECTS1 :EFFECTS2 :EFFECTS3 | Effect on/off buttons |
:EFFECTSVOL1 :EFFECTSVOL2 :EFFECTSVOL3 | Effect volume sliders |
:LOCATION1 :LOCATION2 ... :LOCATION10 | Location 1 ... 10 buttons |
:TRACKSPIN | Track button +/- (2 buttons) |
:BEAT0 :BEAT1 :BEAT2 :BEAT4 :BEAT8 :BEAT16 | Frame Beat 1/2 1 2 4 8 16 buttons |
:REVERSE | Reverse button |
:LOOPTRAX | looptrax button |
:PITCHRESET | Pitch reset button |
:EFFECTFRAME | Frame effect process |
some specific informations
Colors for rotary knobs (bass, mid, treb, jog, out)
ct= border color for internal circle
cb= background color for internal circle
co= background color for external circle
Colors for sliders (vol, pan, pitch bend)
ct = color for the center line
cb= background color
co= color for the thumb
Options for frame button (:FRAME)
#1 blink when in frame state
Options for Jog & Shuttle (:JOG)
#1 pitch bend <when media is playing
Options for slider (vol, pan, pitch bend)
#00 horizontal
#01 vertical
#02 vectorized
#04 variable channel
#10 tick line
#20 tick line + center
#30 3 ticks
#40 1 center Tick
#00 use bitmap
#01 use square (vectorized)
#02 use circle (vectorized)
#03 use on/off style button (vectorized)
#10 vertical boolean (work with on/off style #03)
Option for pitch button :PITCHBUTTON
0 horizontal
1 vertical
Option for pitch
#01 No border
#02 No Spin
#04 No read only
#08 No Arrows keys
#10 Spin align left
Option for level (:LEVEL)
0 horizontal
1 vertical
This heading describes all internal mixvibes bitmap uses for button and sliders
:BMDirectory "Directory" define in which
relative path bitmaps are (ex. "\Program Files\Mixvibes Pro\Directory\")
The syntax is : Bitmap File name for OFF(unpressed) Bitmap File name for ON(pressed) Transparency color RGB(x,x,x)
Transparency color RGB(x,x,x) is optionnal. If defined the bitmap will be drawn transparently
:BMCue | button cue |
:BMCueSet | button cue when you can set the cue point |
:BMPlayPause | button play/pause |
:BMMute | red led (all others red led if not defined will be set with this bitmap) |
:BMPlayState | green led (all others green led if not defined will be set with this bitmap) |
:BMLoop | Loop |
:BMKill | Kill frequency |
:BMVoice | Removal voice |
:BMEffects | Effects on/off |
:BMFrame | button frame |
:BMWave | button display wave |
:BMPitch+ :BMPitch- | button pitch increment and decrement |
:BMPlay :BMStop | button play and button stop |
:BMEdit :BMAdd | button edit a media and button add a media |
:BMBack :BMUp | button backward and button fordward |
:BMTrkDn :BMTrkUp | button move track down and button move track up |
:BMBeatReverse | button reverse mode |
:BMPitchReset | button pitch reset |
:BMFrameEffect | button process frame effect |
:BMLootrax | button send frame to loopTRAX |
:BMBeat0 :BMBeat1 :BMBeat2 :BMBeat4 :BMBeat8 :BMBeat16 | button for setting frame (loop) 0=1/2 1=1 ... |
:BMLoc1 ... :BMLoc10 | button for location 1 ... 10 |
:BMMonitor | Monitor |
:BMDirect | Direct mode |
:BMScrew | Screw |
:BMSliderVe :BMSliderHo :BMSliderCross | sliders bitmap for pan, volume, cross fader volume |
CROSSFADER bitmap | |
:BMUpdateVol | update vol on/off |
:BMBeatMatching | beat matching on/off |
:BMCrossAB | button Auto CrossFading A->B |
:BMCrossBA | button Auto CrossFading B->A |
MAIN VOLUME bitmap | |
:BMMixerMute | mute on/off |
EQUALIZER bitmap | |
:BMEqOn | Equalizer on/off |
:BMEq2ch | Equalizer 2 channels on/off |