Mixer channel Functions

Customizable interface and skins
Active channel
Load state
Out port
Equalization and Kill Frequency
Others controls
Beat matching
Mixer control lock
Talk over

Customizable interface and skins

There are 76 controlers. All these controlers can be placed or removed inside mixer channel.
You can define for each controler :

You can also define text, tooltips, border and insert graphics. You can also change the bitmap of bitmapped control (slider buttons, command buttons, ...).
For changing interface, goto menu command "File"->"Options"->"Interface" and select the file interface. All file interfaces have extension .ini and are in same directory than mixvibespro.exe.

Active mixer channel

highlight.jpg (1376 octets) The active mixer channel is the channel with a highlight number. When you click any button in a mixer channel (play, cue, frame ...) or controlers (volume, pitch ...) then the channel become active. 

These keyboard keys will be executed by the active channel :

PC keys Actions
Left/Right Change the active channel
ENTER Play/Pause
Backspace Cue
Esc Mute
Up/Down Up/down pitch


A master channel can manage all slave channels for : volume, pan, equalization, out, speed, play, pause, cue, stop, seeking, pitch ...
Master channel display "M". Slave channel display the number of master channel. You can change master/slave settings by mouse clicking in the M or number rectangle.

Load state

loadstate.jpg (1104 octets) When you select a media in a mixer channel, it will be automatically loaded, then it can be start quickly.
Led on = media loaded / led off = media unloaded. If you do a reset reset.gif (1072 octets), then all media will be unloaded.


selector1.jpg (992 octets) You can select the audio (or video) out port with this selector. Each audio is assigned to a DirectX audio card (see Options audio cards). MixVibes will switch audio port on fly without stoping the music. 

Equalization and Kill Frequency

The Equalization controls have a range of +/- 10 db.

You can do kill frequency in selecting the small buttons under the Equalization controls.

Bass kill freq : 200Hz
Middle kill freq : 500Hz
Treble kill freq : 3000Hz

The 3 bands equalization and killer frequencies are parametric (see Options equalization)

Others controls

Time reamining

right click in "time" controls

time reamaining.gif (3028 octets)

Name + Author

right click in "name" controls

nameauthor.gif (3416 octets)


Beat matching

1) Click in the mixer channel where is the media to be matched

2) Press Shift key  and drag to the second mixer channels where is the media to match (you will see cursor =)

3) Drop with shift key pressed in the mixer to match

if you don't press shift key the media move to the mixer channel dropped.

Beatmatching can be done only if you have informed the bpm for the medias to match.

Talk Over

If you want to speak on the music with your microphone, you can use the talk over command talkover.gif (1053 octets) (microphone icon on toolbar). for speaking, click in talk over icon and when stop speaking click back in the talk over icon for resetting normal volume.
You can set fade time and db attenuation (see options).
Talk over fade out and in automatically for all audio channels.

Mixer control lock

If you check the mixer control lock options (see menu window or right click in mixer) then no change will be done by the media when select in a mixer channel. The out port, equalization and volume can be loacked in the mixer.

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web: www.mixvibes.com
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