============================================================================== Title : SKILLS.WAD (December 1994) Author : Christophe Person [Tof on IRC #doom] Email Address : chrisp@dirac.bcm.tmc.edu or cperson@bcm.tmc.edu WWW Home Page : http://dirac.bcm.tmc.edu/people/chrisp.html Description : This is an ONLY Deathmatch Wad cause there are no monsters in it. You can still play it standalone if you enjoy fragging yourself. Additional Credits to the following IRC and IDOOM Playtesters: Red_Baron, New_Meat, Phurie, SubMekos, Bothrops & Khan Special thanks to Khan for his remarks about weapons and goodies placements. ============================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP1 DOOM2 Single Player : No! Cooperative 2-4 Player : No! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Maybe soon... * Construction * Base : Scratch Build Time : About 10 hours (something like that, when you like you don't count) Editor(s) used : EDMAP 122 (was enough) Known Bugs : None anymore Comments : It includes 4 buildings, 2 plasma guns, 2 chainguns, 1 dbl barrel and 2 regular shotguns, 1 berserk, 2 green armors and one +100% ball. Due the big number of plans to draw from certain view points, this WAD used to crash because of Vis_Plan overflow errors. Well, thanks to the beta testers for helping me to locate them. A Demo File is included in the ZIP file and should be used by passing the arguments: DOOM2 -file SKILLS.WAD -playdemo SKILLS ============================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, provided you mention my name and give credit where credit is due. You may post SKILLS.ZIP freely if you also provide this text file. ============================================================================== * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: hebb.bcm.tmc.edu:/pub/doom/wads/doom2 somewhere on ftp.cdrom.com (in /pub/doom/incoming until it is moved) Enjoy.