Have a look into the complete Index of the bands of IUMA included on this CD-Rom.
Vent Potato .07 :The Annoying Song (1:43 mins)
Stereo MPEG (1.6MB), Excerpt: Mono MPEG (165k)
Have a look into their Home-Page.
What the Cat Dragged In: The Woman You've Become(4:52 mins)
Stereo MPEG (4.6MB), Excerpt: Mono MPEG (156k)
Stereo MPEG (2.9MB), Excerpt: Mono MPEG (129k)
Tie One On (4:22 mins)
Stereo MPEG (6.3MB), Excerpt: Mono MPEG (173k)
Whipped was playing a song live at the IUMAFEST.
Check that out ! Whipped has a wonderful own WWW-server.