This is the MPEG to PPM converter running under DOS. Its based
on the MPEG-decoder called "mpeg_play" by the Berkeley Research
Group. The basic idea was coming from the PPM-patch by Jef
Poskanzer. Many thanks to both.
MPEG2PPM is inexpensive shareware. If you are continuing using
it after a 30 day trial-period, please send a letter containing
the filled and signed registration-form and the little donation
of 10 $ or 15 DM in cash to the adress below.
ATTENTION: The dots the shareware version of MPEG2PPM produces
are just delay, to force you to register.
ATTENTION: A registration is recommended for commercial use.
ATTENTION: The full-licenced version is restricted to a local
area netword (company) or a privat single host.
MPEG2PPM will decode a (video-only) MPEG-I-stream and
extract the rebuild frames as PPM-files (Portable Pixmap).
The extracted frames will be numbered starting from zero
(0), the first part of the filename is derived from the
original MPEG-stream, the files extension will be .PPM.
The final PPM-files will be in 24-bit-format.
MPEG2PPM expects MPEG-1 video streams only. It can not
handle multiplexed MPEG streams or video+audio streams.
The converter uses the paris entropy coding table set
(which I believe to be the MPEG-1 standard).
MPEG2PPM was developed by
PHADE Software
Inh. Frank Gadegast
Leibnizstr. 30
10625 Berlin GERMANY