MPEG-FAQ 4.0: What's with Bryan Woodworth ftp-area ?
What's with Bryan Woodworth ftp-area ?
He changed his internet provider and close his old ftp-site.
The new site is reachable via WWW (the better way) and still
presents lots of information about MPEG and graphics at all:
From:">"">"> (Bryan Woodworth)pegcd.htmdex.htmltmdex.htmldy.dy.
Subject: WWW Graphics Page now UP
[Lastmod: 09.01.94 11:37:55]
!!=new info
The WWW Graphics Page is now online via the World Wide Web!
URL="">"> (Bryan Woodworth)pegcd.htmdex.htmltmdex.htmldy.dy.
[Even if you don't have a graphical front-end, you can still access
the information. Plain ASCII output (via the program LYNX) is
available for those users using dial-up accounts (e.g. Netcom, a2i,
Portal, CRL, and many more). You may already have lynx installed
online! Enter "lynx" at the shell prompt. If it doesn't exist,
just ftp the source and compile it yourself. See .signature at bottom of
message for details on obtaining the FAQ via]
If you're using a Unix dialup account and Microsoft Windows, now
you can experience the glory of the World Wide Web's great
interface without having to pay for a SLIP account or SLIP emulator!
Try SlipKnot today..
URL="">"> Woodworth)pegcd.htmdex.htmltmdex.htmldy.dy.
More info available from the WWW Graphics page!
!! This info-file is becoming too time-consuming to update. Therefore,
!! you are encouraged to check out the homepage once a week or so, and click
!! on the "Latest Additions" link for a listing of the latest updates!
Information of the following variety awaits you:
o The FAQ desk -- Graphics information
* Tom Lane's JPEG faq -- Obtaining viewers and
understanding the JPEG image format
* A link to the NCSA Mosaic FTP site, for those
looking for Mosaic, the famous WWW graphical
* Jim Howard's FAQ -- Info
on how to decode pictures, posting, and much
* MPEG information: Links to Frank Gadegast's
MPEG faq and MPEG homepage; The WWW Graphics
Page's very own MPEG faq; The MPEG Standards
Homepage (info on MPEG standards, site for
MPEG movies, and more); and an MPEG movie
* A link to the massive Usenet FAQ pages at
Ohio State, an outstanding resource
* A link to Thomas Boutell's fantastic WWW faq!
In living WWW format! (Also availble via FTP
from the WWW Graphics Page as a ZIPped Ascii file)
Info on WWW browsers for all platforms (even Unix
dial-up), writing HTML documents, and more!
-- Internet Service FAQ pages
* The Internet Services FAQ
* FSP (alternative to FTP) FAQ
* Internet Gopher FAQ
-- Miscellaneous FAQs (selection subject to change)
* Howard Stern
* Unix X-Windows on Intel Architecture
* The MS-DOS Archives
* Playboy Enterprises (required reading!)
* The alt.supermodels FAQ! Read on for juicy
info on your favourite supermodels..
o Computer Support Areas -- Where to obtain programs of a graphical
nature for your architecture
* Macintosh -- MPEG players, contact sheet
makers, dl/gl/fli viewers, etc.
* IBM PC -- MPEG players, JPEG viewers,
a link to the Xing Technology FTP site,
and official QPEG support site for
North America (including the latest version
of QPEG, along with a link to Oliver Fromme's
homepage in Germany)
MPEG viewers, contact sheet makers, AVI viewers,
and probably a few other juicy tidbits.
* Unix/X-Window -- MPEG source, movies;
information on XAnim, a wonderful graphics
program by Mark Podlipec
* The QuickTime Support Link. A pointer to
Robert A. Lentz's exquisite QuickTime information
page, with info on flattening quicktimes and programs
and utils for Macintosh, X Window, and Microsoft
Windows. A MUST see!!
* Archie link added! Just click and voila, you
have access to Archie. (Some browsers may
require an external telnet application;
consult your documentation.)
* Winsock support area. Link to the Winsock
Application FAQ. In addition, the WWW Graphics
Page is now the official distribution site
in the USA for EWAN, the fantastic freeware telnet
program for Winsock!
o The Tennis Center -- Information on my favorite game, tennis.
(I realize this is tangential, but.. so
* The FAQ
* The Tennis Homepage (In Canada, with
links to another tennis homepage)
!! * A cute picture of Barbi Benton and Hugh
Hefner posting with their tennis racquets
at a tennis court
!! * Fascinating photos of Andre Agassi's new haircut
o Favorite Links -- Other sites you should try, and IMMEDIATELY!
* The Yahoo Sever - a great link, equipped
with an easy-to-use subject search index
for easy access to other links! Find what
you want quickly and easily.
* The Multimedia Maddman's hOmeY page -- Graphics
Info and more! Just try it!
* Michel Buffa's Video Games Page (3DO, Atari
Jaguar, SNES, Sega, Gameboy, etc..)
* The UnOfficial Nine Inch Nails Homepage
* The Beastie Boys Homepage
* The Llama Mailserver (MPEG resource and more!)
* The Homepage
* The CDnow! homepage -- ordering CDs via WWW
* The Playboy Enterprises, Inc. homepage -- now
you can explore Playboy's catalog via WWW!
* A section on graphics links.. including the
very nice IAMfree area, your local WWW Art
The material is presented in a refreshing format, just for YOU! If
you do not want this site to die, your feedback must be submitted via
email. Do not let it go to waste! The vitality of this site is up to
you alone..
The WWW Graphics Page.. your online WWW resource for Graphics
Try it today! URL="">"> Woodworth)pegcd.htmdex.htmltmdex.htmldy.dy.
Bryan Woodworth (">"">"> Try The WWW Graphics Page today!htmltmdex.htmldy.dy.
URL:"">"> Graphics Page today!htmlom) Try The WWW Graphics Page today!htmltmdex.htmldy.dy.
Need a WWW browser? FTP to
Info on WWW browsers for all platforms -- even Unix dial-up