MPEG-FAQ 4.0: Is qt2mpeg on the Web ?
Is qt2mpeg on the Web ?
I put the information concerning the conversion of QuickTime to
MPEG on the WWW. The code and a short explanation can be found
at"">"> my homepage </a>paula/mpeg/index.html> ( Frank ROUSSEL )sons/paula/mpeg/ (Andreas Paul)>
under the 'current project' listing. (The Conversion Project)
This should work for most people, if you have any problems with it, let
me know.
I didn't incorporate the AVI to MPEG conversion yet, although it's
fairly trivial, since it's basically the same as QuickTime to MPEG.
(I haven't been able to test anything yet, that's why)
(oh, it's kind'a big to post, and since there's probably something
I overlooked, I'll keep it on the Web for now.)
Casey Ryder
Cees van Rij/ Casey Ryder ++312503-16844 CET"">"> ( Frank ROUSSEL )sons/paula/mpeg/ (Andreas Paul)>