MPEG-FAQ 4.0: What's about CD-I ?
What's about CD-I ?
From: Morten Hjerde <">"">">>@optimage.comtml>/A>ki02.html.html>>html>/A>ki02.html.html>
Date: 17 Sep 93 13:08:21 EDT
Subject: Re: MPEG-FAQ Audio-part ?
The people I know is working on MPEG is Philips/Compression Labs for their
"digital video" CD-I's. Digigram in France is producing some nice MPEG cards
for the PC. You would want to avoid their older PCX3 cards because their
MPEG implementation were a little odd. Their new PCX5 and PCX3 should be
fine. Cardinal are introducing an MPEG driver for their new PC card. The driver
has not been released. It's developed by Xing. I've played around with
earlier Xing MPEG Audio stuff and it looked and sounded nice. C-Cube also
have written an MPEG codec (for the AD2015 I believe). I don't know if they
are doing anything with it. For broadcast
industry use there are several others, also a couple of German vendors that
makes stand-alone units. I don't have their names here. Here in Norway Tandberg
are making a logger w. MPEG compression.
(I have no connection to any of the above)
Source code? I was hoping you could tell me that <g>.