POV UTILITY 2.0 VIRTUAL DESIGNS by Ron Ruvalcava Jr. -------------------------------------------------------------- This file utility needs vbrun200.dll (the visual basic dll file), and this file needs to be located in your windows directory. Installation 1. Assumes that POV is already running on your system and that pov is running from the directory named \povray. 2. Unzip povutil.zip into your pov directory. This file contains the following: POVUTIL.EXE README.TXT POV.PIF 3. Create directory \examples as a sub of your povray directory. (i.e. c:\povray\examples) General Instructions: Rendering a POV File 1- Highlight POV file you wish to render. 2- Set resolution, and quality. 3- Enter output file name. 4- Hit 'render' button. 5- You can abort the rendering at anytime as usual. 6- When finished a targa image will be saved under your \povray\examples directory. Editing a POV File 1- Highlight POV file you wish to edit. 2- Double click on POV file or hit 'edit file' button. 3- Text window will open with file and size. (If you encounter an error message read *note* below. 3- Edit file capabilities allow cut and paste. 4- Update or save as new file name. 5- File is now ready to render. *NOTE* 1- Files to edit cannot contain an end of file character. If you attempt to open a file with this character you will get an error message and the file will not open. Simply use another text editor to open these files and delete this character, this will not affect your rendering. Troubleshootings- Check to make sure your POV directory is \povray. Check to make sure you have a subdirectory of \povray named \examples. Make sure you have vbrun200.dll in your path. If POV cannot run in a window change pif setting to full-screen. ----------------------------------- This is the first program I've written. I hope it is of some use to you. Please distribute it freely and feel free to comment. Besides the GRAPHDEV forum I'm also part of the Autodesk forum (Go ASOFT), and the COMART forum. I'm very intrested in 3D graphics and use POV and 3D Studio on a regular basis. I am a multimedia consultant and 3D animator. My background includes 3D modeling, image editing, morphing, and graphics to NTSC video. I would enjoy those with similiar interests to contact me with there ideas and needs. Good luck! Virtual Designs Ron Ruvalcava Jr. (714) 549-2385 Call or fax me with suggestions, or send mail 71053,1034.