Raytrace Workbench setup guide By now you have (probably) unpacked the program files to a directory on the hard disk. If not, do so. To make sure that RWB works, do the following : 1) Move the files POV.PIF and RTAG.PIF to the Windows directory (typically \WINDOWS). 2) Move the DLL's (*.DLL) to the Windows SYSTEM directory (typically \WINDOWS\SYSTEM) 3) Start Windows. 4) Start PIFEDIT.EXE - the PIF Editor 5) Open the file POV.PIF. 6) Change the Startup Directory to the path where your copy of POVRAY.EXE is. 7) Save the PIF file. If you have a copy of RTAG - the Ray Tracing Animation Generator, do the following: 1) Open the file RTAG.PIF. 2) Change the Startup Directory to the path where your copy of RTAG.EXE is. 3) Save the PIF file. 8) Close the PIF Editor. Note : Since POVRAY is a power-hungry program, I have increased the required amount of memory to 500k and raised the XMS memory required from 0 to 1024kb. I have also increased the foreground and background priorities to 10000 and 1000, respectively. Feel free to modify POV.PIF to suit your own needs. For further information, please consult your Windows (TM) manual. I'll assume that your copy of RWB.EXE is in the directory C:\RWB. 9) Make sure the Program Manager is the active window. 10) Open the group you want to place Raytrace Workbench in. 11) Select File from the main menu. 12) Select New. 13) Press Enter. 14) Type "Raytrace Workbench" 15) Press . 16) Type "C:\RWB\RWB.EXE" 17) Press Enter All done! Enjoy ! If you have any problem with Raytrace Workbench, press F1 for help. If the problem persists, contact me on Compuserve. Leo Sutic CIS ID: 100040,600