Escape sequences in text

The routines which draw text all allow you to include escape sequeces in the text to be plotted. These are character sequences which are are interpreted as instructions to change font, draw superscripts and subscripts, draw non-ASCII (e.g., Greek letters) etc. All escape sequences start with a double backslash character (3).

The following escape sequences are defined:

Sections of text can have an underline or overline appended. For example, the string



is obtained by specifying 18.

Greek letters are obtained by 19 followed by a Roman letter. Table~#greek#934> shows how these letters map into Greek characters.

<#5341#>Table<#5341#>: <#5342#>Roman characters corresponding to Greek characters<#5342#>
Roman A B G D E Z Y H I K L M
Greek A B Γ Δ E Z H Θ I K Λ M
Roman N C O P R S T U F X Q W
Greek N Ξ O Π P Σ T Υ Φ X Ψ Ω
Roman a b g d e z y h i k l m
Greek α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ
Roman n c o p r s t u f x q w
Greek ν ξ o π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω