The source code for this program was written for the DICE C compiler, version 2.06.30, by Matthew Dillon. The tab size is set to 4. You will require the 2.0 Amiga include files from CATS of Commodore-Amiga to compile this program. The source code should compile under any ANSI C compiler for the Amiga.
If the executable needs to be recompiled then the following procedure should be used.
Rename the Make program to make and move it to a directory in your shell's execution path. The Makefile supplied with the program is probably incompatible with more primitive versions of Make.
The include/scdir.h header file should be copied to a directory in the include path for your compiler. The compiler should be set up to compile using the Amiga OS 2.0 (or later) include files.
The link library ben.lib needs to be made first. Change your directory to the ben directory and type make. If all goes well, then the ben.lib library will be created; it should be moved to the library search path for your compiler, so that the linker will be able to find it.
Change your directory to the main source directory for the make utility and type make to create the binary executable file bmake. This file can be renamed to the standard make, and placed in the command search path for convenience.