For entering some command definition, I suggest the following procedure: Press N, enter the name of the ARexx command and then press RETURN. AREXXBOX now converts the name to upper case, changes illegal character codes to underscores ('_') and checks if the name is unique. If there is already such a command in the list, you can correct the name.
Then enter the arguments. For each argument press E and enter the name. AREXXBOX will check this name too.
Proceed the same way with results, except the shortcut for a new result field is W.
You may move arguments and results around after selecting them, using the corresponding `up' and `do' gadgets, or you could delete them using the corresponding `Remove' gadget.
Enter template options in ReadArgs style (see AutoDocs for DOS),
for example ARG1/K/N
. Only options
for list and /N
for numeric type are allowed
for result fields.