MathPlot - Tutorial =================== by Rüdiger Dreier 1991/92/93 MathPlot is ShareWare My address: Ruediger Dreier Gustav-Winkler-Str. 40 D-W-4800 Bielefeld 18 Germany I can be reached via EMail: This tutorial shall help you to use MathPlot the first time. Introduction ============ You want to try MathPlot. I try to help you: Let's say, you want to plot the following functions: sin(x)+cos(x) 2*sin(x) sin(2*x) As intervall, you want [-\pi,\pi]. Preparation =========== Make sure that you have the following files in LIBS: - mathieeedoubbas.library - mathieeedoubtrans.library - asl.library - mtool.library - diskfont.library (V36 or higher) If you work often with MathPlot, copy the following files to S: - mplot.prefs - Funktionen.fkt - Konstanten.con - Macros.mcr Start MathPlot with a double-click. Enter your preferences ====================== If you have not the file "mplot.prefs" in S:, a requesters appears. Just click on OK. You should first enter your prefered settings. E.g. use Preferences/Resolution to set your prefered screenmode. Use "Use" to see a result. Save your preferences to s:mplot.prefs and restart MathPlot (or use "Use"). Enter the functions =================== Well, the three functions are quite short, but to make clear how to use it, use the macros: Enter the macros ================ Select the item Macros. A window should appear with two gadgets. Press the key a. An a$ should appear in the first gadget. Press RETURN. In the second gadget, enter sin(x) and press RETURN. Select Macros again. Enter b and cos(x). Enter the functions =================== Now you can enter the functions. Select three subitems of the item Change. A window should appear with a gadget. If there is already some text, delete it with right-Amiga-x. Then enter _a+_b. Press RETURN. The window disappears and appears right again. Enter the second function (that is 2*_a). After RETURN, you can enter the last function (that is _a(2*x)). If you look at the subitem of Change, you should see your functions. Enter the intervall =================== Select Intervall. Enter for x-min -pi, for x-max pi, for y-min -20 and for y-max 20. Both cyclegadgets should be *1. Plot the functions ================== Select at Function/... your three functions. They will be plotted. You will see, that -20/20 was too much. Change the intervall ==================== You could select Intervall and change it. But you can also use the mouse: Select Zoom, select one corner of your new intervall, move the mouse and select the second corner. The screen should be cleared. Plot axis ========= Choose Axis/autom.. As colour, choose i.e. 3. Now you are ready. Discussion ========== If you want to know more about one of the functions, select Discussion/...