TeXPrt printer driver spec file
Name ; DVIPrint
Node ; Typesetting:Pastex/bin/DVIPrint
PageSel (DOCUMENT/FROMTO) ; DOCUMENT ; -f",-t",""
Copies ; 1 ; ""
PageType (ALL/ODD/EVEN) ; ALL ; "",-1,-2
Reverse (ON/OFF) ; OFF ; -r
HOffset ; 0 ; -h" ; mm
VOffset ; 0 ; -v" ; mm
AdjHOffset ; 18
AdjVOffset ; 16
Option1 (ON/OFF) ; OFF ; DRAft ; Draft
Option2 (ON/OFF) ; ON ; -o ; Optimize
Option3 (ON/OFF) ; ON ; -T ; Fast
Option4 (ON/OFF) ; OFF ; -i ; IFF-ILBM
Device ; "" ; ""
The first line is used to indicate that this is a DVI driver specification file
(needed while scanning the TeXDrivers drawer).
Name specifies the string which will appear in the Drivers menu.
Node contains the filename of the printer driver including the full path.
The path can be omitted if the printer driver is accessible via a global path.
The first entry after PageSel (DOCUMENT/FROMTO) specifies the default setting when
this spec file is read by TEXPrt. The second entry contains the parameters
(actually 3 parameters separated by a comma) of the printer driver to specify
from which page (-f) upto which page (-t) should be printed. The third parameter which is
not used (marked by "") in the file above determines the number of pages that should
be printed. Some printer driver use such kind of parameter instead of specifying
the last printed page directly (see the AmigaTeX spec file that comes with
this program). Note that
parameter strings may not contain any white space (use a double quote instead).
The Copies keyword determines the number of copies that should be printed.
Note that, although the DVIPrint printer driver does not support printing multiple
copies of one file, this feature is emulated by TEXPrt by repeatedly launching the
printer driver with the same DVI file.
PageType (ALL/ODD/EVEN) sets the
type of pages that should be printed. Again the first entry specifies the default
setting while the second contains the parameter string (in the example above
there is no parameter for specifying ALL pages).
The Reverse (ON/OFF) keyword
sets the default and parameter string for printing the pages in reverse order.
Orientation (PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE) determines the orientation of the printout.
HOffset and VOffset specify the horizontal and vertical offset of the
printout. The last entry of these lines specify the unit measures of the offsets.
These strings will be displayed on the right side of the HOffset and VOffset
string gadgets, respectively. Moreover, they will be appended to the command line
(for example, HOffset ; -5 ; -h" ; mm produces the command line -h -5mm).
AdjHOffset and AdjVOffset are used to preadjust the horizontal and
vertical offsets. This is necessary, because on different printers the margins
may be different too. TEXPrt simply adds AdjHOffset to HOffset and
AdjVOffset to VOffset and these sums are used as offsets when the printer driver
is called.
The next four lines Option# (ON/OFF) define user configurable boolean gadgets.
The first two entries set up the default state of the boolean gadget and the
parameter string. The last entry is used as a label for the gadget.
The last line of the spec file which starts with Device determines the
output device (for example, par:) and the parameter string.