The TexPrtInit.tpr and TexPrtPrint.tpr macro files

There are two ARexx command files named TexPrtInit.tpr and TexPrtPrint.tpr. The first one of these is executed during startup in the case where TEXPrt detects that a message port named TeXPrtPort is already open. The TexPrtPrint.tpr which I have included simply pops to front the public screen and TEXPrt's window. The second file TexPrtPrint.tpr is executed when you have confirmed the printout. If ARexx is running on your machine this is all what is done when the printout is confirmed. So if you really want to launch the printer driver in this case, you must send TEXPrt the command PRINT via ARexx. I have chosen this mechanism for flexibility reasons. For example, the TexPrtPrint.tpr ARexx macro that comes with this archive looks if the ShowDVI previewer is running, and if so, it requests the current DVI file from the ShowDVI program and sends it to TEXPrt. After that it sends a PRINT command to TEXPrt to launch the printer driver. If ARexx is not running or if you don't have ARexx (which I can't believe), the printer driver is launched directly without using ARexx.