Contour is a program for drawing contour plots on X10/X11 windows or HP2648 terminals. The program will also produce a POSTSCRIPT plot which can be dumped out to an APPLE Laserwriter. Contour reads in data on a 3D surface from a contour-file and manipulates that data according to options specified either in the command-line or in a options-file. The program then draws contours on a screen or dumps the contours to a POSTSCRIPT file.
The 3D surface input data consists of z-values of the 3D surface, arranged on a rectangular grid of size (xmax - xmin) × (ymax - ymin). The data file format is shown below.
Data File Format (contour-file)
xmin xmax ymin ymax nxpts nypts z1 z2 .. .. ..
In the above, xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax are lower and upper bounds of the grid, and nxpts and nypts are the number of grid divisions in x and y.
Upon starting up the program, contour will read in the data stored in the contour-file and will then find the maximum and minimum z-values of the surface. It will then prompt for a contour step-size (i.e. the contour increments), and read in any plotting options specified either in the command line or in the options-file. The plot will then be drawn on the screen if possible. Finally, the user will be prompted as to whether or not the POSTSCRIPT plot is to be sent to a printer.
List of Options (options-file)
xlabel "LABEL" #[default = "X-AXIS"] - for the x-label
ylabel "LABEL" #[default = "Y-AXIS"] - for the y-label
toplabel "LABEL" #[default = "CONTOUR PLOT"] - for the top-label
grid on/off #[default = off] - draws a grid
equalscale on/off #[default = on] - for equal x-y scaling
postscript on/off #[default = on] - for postscript (PS) plot
printplot on/off #[default = on] - send PS file to printer
printer "PRINTER" #[default = $PRINTER] - define the printer
contlabel on/off #[default = on] - for contour labels
joinlevel high/low #[default = --] - for joining curves
scale [0.1 - 1.0] #[default = 1.00] - scales the PS plot
linetypes [1 - 3] #[default = 2] - no. of contour linetypes
xticks [1 - 20] #[default = 4] - no. of x-divisions
yticks [1 - 20] #[default = 4] - no. of y-divisions
Single contour (image.cont)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax ncurves npts pt1.x pt1.y pt2.x pt2.y .. .. .. npts pt1.x pt1.y .. ..
Old Data File Format (contour-file)
xmin ymin xlength ylength z1 z2 .. .. ..