12/18/93 Win-USA Ver 2.0 Files included with this program: README.TXT This file WIN-USA.EXE Main program file USA.DAT Document of the Constitution of the USA BILLS.DAT Document of the Amendments DECLARE.DAT Document of the Declaration of Independence NOTES.DAT Text file for your notes CMDIALOG.VBX VB Control file (copy to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory) COMMDLG.DLL Common Dialog Library (copy to the WINDOW\SYSTEM directory) Files needed for this program: VBRUN300.DLL Visual Basic run time DLL Ver 3.0 (This file may be downloaded from various BBS's) Copy CMDIALOG.VBX and COMMDLG.DLL to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. (Note: it is possible that these two files are already on your system. Use these two only if the are newer. Both are dated: 4/28/93) Copy all the remaining files to any single directory. All of the *.DAT files are text files that can be loaded in any word processor and formatted to your liking. However, for WIN-USA to work properly, keep a copy of the original *.DAT files in the same directory that WIN-USA is in. If you find any errors in the documents (i.e. spelling, typing, etc.) corrections can be made by loading the documents in a text editor and saving the files as plain text files. Do not change the section headings however - Section Headings is how Win-USA finds the various sections within the documents. Also, do not add or remove any CR's. While changes to these files can be made from within the program - the program will not save the changes - use a text editor (notepad). Win-USA is a free, but Copyright program. If you enjoy this program, please let me know of any bugs or quirks, or any errors in the documents, or just let me know what you think of the program. Also feel free to suggest improvements. (I am looking to add the music to the Star-Spankle Banner in a future version, but I have no high quality way of recording this in WAV format. Anyone willing to record and donate it for this program can reach me by any of the following.) Peter Schreiner, DBA: Nacon Computer Systems 14123 Maple Lane Humble, TX 77396 (713) 590-4955 CompuServe 71543,2442 Prodigy XSRD43A Version 2.0 improvements over version 1.0 a. Select fonts, fonts size, and font color b. Sizeable document windows c. Menu items display checkmarks for open documents d. Enhanced printer setup e. Enable/Disable the Button & Status bar **************************************************************** Special Thanks to Richard at Ivory Tower Software for providing: PrintMessage and PrintWrap code Copyright 1993 by Ivory Tower Software **************************************************************** End of README.TXT