Registration form for PSA Cards 2.5 for Windows 95/NT 3.51 Name _________________________________ Mailing Address _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ E-Mail Address _________________________________ Telephone (Optional) _____________________ Program Source (Optional) (CompuServe, AOL, etc.) _____________________ PSA Cards 2.5 Registration $25.00 Colorado residents 3% sales tax _____ or Ft. Collins residents 6% sales tax _____ Total _____ Please mail this completed form and your check payable to William L. Rogers to: William L. Rogers PSA Software 1319 Silk Oak Dr. Fort Collins, Colorado 80525-5597 ---------------- Survey (Optional) ---------------- Printer make and model ____________________________ Have you printed envelopes on it? Y N If yes, did you have problems? Y N Do you use the OLE 2.0 features? Y N If yes, do you think they are important? Y N Do you use file export or mail merge features? Y N If yes, do you think they are important? Y N Do you use the groups features? Y N If yes, do you think they are important? Y N Do you use clipboard features? Y N If yes, do you think they are important? Y N What do you like the most about PSA Cards? What do you like the least? How would you change it?