This program requires Windows 3.1 To install: From wherever you unzipped this file, from Windows, run SETUP.EXE Configuration questions will be asked at run-time. Yes, I know the setup program is primitive. I only allocated 4 hours to it, and it took 3:50, so I decided that at this point it does the job. MOST importantly, it gets your configuration files in the right place with the right information. BTW - Configuration information is saved in a file called Doomed.Ini, which is stored in your Windows directory. Look there when things go wrong... If you insist on manual installation, make ABSOLUTELY sure that the file CTL3DV2.DLL is placed in the Windows\System directory. If it is anywhere else, it will not work. Also, If you already have a file by that name, it will work fine and should be exactly the same. ---------------------------------------------------------- This is a beta version of 2.60, and your comments are requested. Send comments to Have FUN!!!! Here is a list of known problems. If you find more problems, and can DUPLICATE the problem and describe it well so I have some chance of fixing it, let me know. 1) Nodes builder breaks on some maps. This will be fixed as soon as possible, likely within a week. I think the Id nodes builder has a bug, I can't find it. Also a direct port of the Reject builder doesn't work at all. Keep your eye out for DE_260B5 or above, or DE_260R (release) 2) Zooming on a bitmap image makes the background black. This is a Windows color problem, it works fine on my card at 16 or 24 bits, but not at 256 Color. I'm working on it, but can't promise anything yet. 3) Multiple selection of lines, things, and sectors for editing, moving, or deleting is still shaky - best not to use it until next beta or release. 4) User definition and modification of standard sector wall, floor, and ceiling textures will also be in the next beta, and of course, the release version. I ran out of time, and already am late anyhow. This is low priority at this time, but is creeping up the list...