PROHELPU PROMENU [@INCONF@] Command? PROXMAIN Page length: U Z S Uploaded by: U $RED$Not Uploaded: $3$ D$RED$+++ Error +++ Transfer should have taken at least $3$ minutes. $RED$File transfer aborted! $YELLOW$File transfer completed. C$5W$ files, $6W$k bytes, $2$ minutes, $3$ cps, $4$ % efficiency $CYAN$ U H$GREEN$Please enter a description of this upload. (Enter) alone to end.4Begin description with (/) to make upload 'Private'. $YELLOW$Uploaded files: $CYAN$$2$ RSP1 $YELLOW$Checking $2$ ...$ $RED$Invalid upload! (empty file) $GREEN$Okay. $YELLOW$Posted in @INCONF@ /(U) $3$ Completed using $4$ T/E=$5W$ CPS=$6W$ private dir. upload dir.@$RED$File moved to off-line holding area for screening by SYSOP.#(U) $3$ Aborted using $4$ T/E=$5W$U $RED$Thanks $FIRST$! !Upload Time Credit: $5W$ minutesU $GREEN$Message pointers updated. $PTRS.NEWU #(D) $3$ Aborted using $4$ T/E=$5W$ Free download: $3$ /(D) $3$ Completed using $4$ T/E=$5W$ CPS=$6W$ 7Last chance! Automatic logoff in $5W$ seconds. Abort: $YES$U + A L R ` q ! !%!/!9!C!N!T!Y!c!z! !P"k" #$#Y#t#|# $&$Y$^${$ $h%p%u%z% & &6&A&F&R& Minutes Used: $5W$#$GREEN$Thanks for calling, $FIRST$! Automatically Abnormally Normally @SYSDATE@ (@SYSTIME@) ($NODE$) $NAME$ Off U Scheduled Event ran at @SYSTIME@ EVENT.SYS EVENT.BAT \ENDPCBU >X=Xu >X= u #[ProDoor] Enter the DOOR # to Open: [open: exists( ) -> after chdir( Insufficient security for DOOR Opened DOOR ($3$) at @SYSTIME@U Directory: (1-$5W$), (V)iew, (D)ownload, (R)elist, PROXFILE PROLIB$Enter the library disk # to request: $YELLOW$Checking ... LIBDEF Request Library Disk LIBHELP prolib TEST executed on file ($3$) REPACK Pack in what format: REPACK file ($3$) in $4$ format Member file(s) to extract: Extract member ($3$) from ($4$) Member text file(s) to view: View member ($3$) from ($4$) View executed on file ($3$) Viewing contents of $3$ Action:!(V)iew text, (X)tract, (R)elist, "You can't use "$3$" in a filename!=Too ambiguous! Please specify at least 1 non-wild character."Too long! Only 8 letters, please. ($3$) is an invalid filename!U f<|t(< Too many files selected! File already in the list! !Empty files cannot be downloaded!$Not enough download bytes remaining! Not enough time remaining! $CYAN$$3$k, $4$ min. $2$ - $RED$Duplicate - $GREEN$Ok (Free download) - $RED$RejectedU PRODUPU &($3$) duplicates a current board file.U Enter the filename to $GREEN$Checking ... $WHITE$Download $WHITE$Upload Keep upload inside conference:)Sorry, this area has no upload directory!&Insufficient disk space for uploading!($CYAN$@INCONF@ upload dir has $7L$k free , $7L$k max per transfer*$GREEN$Wildcards are Okay, $2$ is assumed. +$GREEN$Please enter a description of ($3$). (Enter) alone to end.4Begin description with (/) to make upload 'Private'. 4$YELLOW$($RED$$5W$k, $GREEN$$7L$ min. left$YELLOW$) $YELLOW$Filespec $5W$ $YELLOW$Checking ... $YELLOW$ 3$RED$Enter a longer description of the file please! $YELLOW$? U $GREEN$$2$ Download Estimate: / $CYAN$$5W$ files, $6W$k bytes, $3$ minutes LAST CHANCE!8 (Enter) or (S)tart, (G)oodbye after transfer, (A)bort? /c U prons proutest prodoor $WHITE$$2$ receive prons $MAGENTA$$2$ if errorlevel 1 goto door$error goto recycle$door :door$error :recycle$door door $WHITE$ready!+$GRAY$Type (Ctrl-X) several times to abort.U PROCLOS if exist event.bat event %1,$WHITE$Returning to system. Please wait ... %1$$WHITE$Loading $3$. Please wait ... copy door.bat >nul %10$WHITE$Processing your request. Please wait ... door RU $RED$=> $WHITE$($2$) $CYAN$$3$ %$RED$Error correcting modem required!U >Y=-t )Sorry, you can't download any more today. 1$RED$A system event is scheduled in $5W$ minutes.3Sysop has disabled uploads prior to a system event!J$RED$WARNING: Your upload will be ABORTED if not finished in $5W$ minutes! PRODLM PROULM Protocol: BATCHU Transmit Receive $WHITE$$2$ $3$. ( , MNP $CYAN$$2$U PROFREEU PRORATIO Download $ ratio exceeded! (D/U=$2$ NEED=$3$)1Your records indicate that you have $2$ download s for each upload. Please upload at least one for each $3$ you download.U ) F R l z $ @ \ x 7!Q!h!r!|! "-"D"V"\"a"k"v"~" $-$2$A$F$Z$n$ %$%)%C%U%g%z% &)&I&_& (6(;(P(o(t(y( )2)L)V)h)m) )2*<*N*\*s*}* */+8+D+S+a+p+v+ ,$,5,W-|- .%.*.;.@.f.u.z. 0!0+0M0[0e0j0~0 1*191I1W1\1n1 1 2d2u2 32373?3T3`3 434c4h4u4z4 5+565@5H5X5c5m5r5 @Note: Press to keep original information without change! New Password (One word!)!Registration Information Updated.U 5Please enter your current password for verification: Wrong password entered!U I$GREEN$Number of Downloads: @DLFILES@ (@DLBYTES@ total, @DAYBYTES@ today)0Number of Uploads: @UPFILES@ (@UPBYTES@ total) Earned D/L Bytes: $5W$k D/L Bytes Available: @BYTESLEFT@U [xlat: from= DISP-U Sysop exited to DOS at @SYSTIME@ Type EXIT to return to Sysop back from DOS at @SYSTIME@U Input from what file: Automatic Lock-Out completed!U >g= t 0-1U Automatic Disconnect Completed! PRODUMP HT=-t No flags present. Flagged files: U Filename(s) to UNflag: (*)all, No such flag: U Filename(s) to flag: (U)nflag, ;LWARNING: Too many files flagged! Please download before flagging any more.U /$RED$Flags will be lost if you proceed: $WHITE$ Continue anyway:U Expert Mode >2>Yu >2>Yt Graphics ModeU >[=Yu >[=Yt Snoop ModeU Hotkey Mode AutoScan [@INCONF@] is /Node Status Caller8---- --------------------- ------------------------- $RED$ $2$ / $GREEN$ $CYAN$$3$ 1$RED$($3$) on node ($5W$) wants to CHAT with you! PROREQU PW= E/D= LD= TO= UP= DN= C2= New security level: New Earned K bytes:%Alter membership in what conferences: Registration in [$3$] is $4$.U >Y=-u Areas: G Alt- N=Next X=Exit F=File-Out I=File-In P=Prt-On =+/-5min vO F2=Lkout F3=Print F4=Page F5=DOS F6=Update F7=Alarm F8=Dump F9=Disp F10=Chat E/D: P/W: C1: C2: ) #On= Sec Up= Dn= (Home)=Help >P=-t >R=-u >T=-u >V=-u **TRANSFER**U T w !/!4!>!V![!e! "&":"?"I"_"e"j"t" #1#K#\#a#u#~# $!$A$G$i$ %#%*%_% &%&0&B&G& &.'F'W'r' (8(m){) *)*?*D*S*f*y* +3+8+H+\+a+k+ ,%,/,:,F,P,],i,s,~, ,]-q- .&.,.W._.d.x.~. @INCONF@ Conference Abandoned GAuto Conference Messages New Last Msg High Msg ActiveHScan Num Name To You Messages Read Number MessagesH---- --- ---------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- $WHITE$$YES$ $GREEN$ $MAGENTA$$NO$ $GREEN$ $BLUE$N/A $WHITE$)$YELLOW$$2$$CYAN$$3$$RED$$4$$MAGENTA$$8S$ Scan Auto-join configuration update $GREEN$@INCONF@ @INCONF@ Conference Joined. ** Mail Area: U AWARNING: If you continue, the previous ZIPM results may be lost!! Conference(s) to Capture: (A)ll, $PTRS.OLD& ** ProDoor Mail Capture - Created: ** System: ** Messages Captured: 9There are too many new messages! Get the rest next time. $5W$ messages captured. ZIPM executed. PROARCM proarcm $PTRS.NEWU R$YELLOW$(+)(-), (A)config, (L)ocate-keyword, (N)ew-mail, (S)tats, (Y)ours-personal Join Conference Command: PROXJOIN *You are not registered in Conference $5W$! @INCONF@ Conference Joined. "Scan [@INCONF@] for personal mail: ()=a~ U2>Yt ($3$) not understood. Type (X) for menu, (?) for help.U Sorry, ($3$) is not available.U ($3$) not found on disk!U [$5W$] Can't open: $3$U #(15 second delay) Press (Enter): $WHITE$ $YELLOW$U WARNING: COMMAND LINE TOO LONG!3PLEASE RE-CONFIGURE TO USE SHORTER DIRECTORY NAMES.U 3$RED$Warning: Automatic disconnect in ($5W$) minute '@SYSDATE@ @SYSTIME@ ($NODE$) @USER@ in $door.err$Fatal Error! Returning to system...U Error: U %WRITE FAILURE, FN=$4$ AX=$5W$ CX=$6W$U )READ FAILURE, FN=$4$ B=$5W$ N=$6W$ P=$7L$U 1ATTEMPTED READ BEYOND EOF, FN=$4$ N=$5W$ EOF=$6W$U 2ATTEMPTED WRITE BEYOND EOF, FN=$4$ N=$5W$ EOF=$6W$U , = L W \ g l z Can't allocate COPY_FILE buffer! Sorry, no disk space for U Temp directory [&] MUST *NOT* be in download path list! Too many download dirs [ Error: entry = [ Bad config fileU Missing "Drive:\" directory created.#CANNOT CREATE OR ACCESS DIRECTORY: U 8CONFIG ERROR: SCRATCH directory has been changed to: $3$5CONFIG ERROR: SCRATCH prefix has been changed to: $3$ ($3$))$YELLOW$Enter password for ($3$) access: "Incorrect password ($3$) for ($4$)U #Uploads Not Accepted on File Format"Insufficient Download Security for 9$GREEN$Processing your request. Please wait ...$DEFAULT$ COMMAND: [BACK FROM SHELL]U # ( 9 ^ <-"6+?<5.*:RDF^dF)2:=/85m!)pE:6tA984yI33-~]brBKRUTNH[]RA_XXC_U $R_PIOYO[[`5-yd<-"6+?<5.*:RDF^dF)2:=/85m!)pE:6tA984yI33-~]brBKRUTNH[]RA_XXC_