Adrenalin Clothing Total design --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Barclays bank Point of sale --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- BBC Television Type design & Typography on screen --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Churchill training Corporate I.D. & PR --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ƒtoile embroidery design Corporate I.D. & PR --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- fJGraphics, Point of sale, PR --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- M.D. Gibson Corporate I.D. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Mugshots Type design --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Noho Digital Multimedia design GUI --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ogilvy Mather ÒWalt DisneyÓCommissioned Type design --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ping Communications Corporate I.D. & Web --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Signal Box Multimedia CD Rom design --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Buggy G. Riphead Self Promotional CD Rom --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Sure Systems Multimedia & Corporate I.D. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Ted Baker Graphics, PR --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The Centre for Sustainable Design Multimedia CD Rom design --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- The Family Commissioned Type design