ROLLEM DIRECTIONS v2.0 COPYRIGHT 1996 SOLEAU SOFTWARE OBJECTIVE The objective of Rollem is to roll your 20 red marbles from the top of the game board towards the bottom in a sequence that will award you the most points. Players take turns rolling their marbles and points are accumulated for every row that the marble travels, along with special bonus points explained below. GAME PLAY Click on the PLAY button at the bottom of the screen to start a new game. The computer will randomly decide who will take the first turn. When playing the computer, the human player will push the Red marbles and the computer will push Green marbles. The players will take turns pushing their 20 marbles from the top of the game board towards the bottom. Select the marble you want to roll by clicking on it with your mouse. Players receive 5 points for every row their marble can reach and 100 points if their marble reaches the bottom of the board. ARROW BOXES, GRAY BOXES and BONUS POINTS The game board is filled with blue arrow boxes that indicate the direction a marble will travel when it reaches them. Every time a marble passes over an arrow box, the arrow will rotate in the opposite direction. If a marble is traveling in a direction as a result of an arrow box it will continue in that direction until it either hits the side of the board, another marble or another arrow box. With careful planning and strategy, you can block your opponents by flipping the arrow boxes so that their marbles will not travel as far down the board as your own. Gray boxes placed on the game board will stop a marble that reaches them during a game. However, these gray boxes are very important because after all the marbles have been pushed onto the board, these boxes will be removed and the marbles effected by them will continue to fall and gather points. Special bonus points worth 10 points are placed in some of the grids, along with 20 point grids in the longer game version. If you can get your marble to pass through these grids the extra bonus points will be added to your score. GAME OVER When all the marbles have been pushed and the gray boxes have been removed, the player with the highest point total will be declared the winner. When playing against the computer (Shareware Version), the 10 top best scores against the computer will be recorded. You will be asked to enter your initials into the scoreboard if your score qualifies. GAME KEYS and OPTIONS HELP: Rollem Directions PLAY: Start a new game of Rollem OPTIONS: Sound on Sound off Play against Computer Play against another Human (Reg.Ver.Only) Select Short Game (20 Marbles) Select Long Game (40 Marbles) (Reg.Ver.Only) Difficulty level EASY NORMAL (Default) HARD SCORES: The Top Ten Rollem Scores against the computer SOLEAU: Information on Soleau Software Registration information for Rollem Information on other Soleau Software Games QUIT: Exit Rollem Program CONCLUSION This is a Shareware Version of Rollem. The Registered Version of Rollem is only $18 (U.S.) and features the ability to play against another human player, longer Rollem games and faster loading and exiting. Please click on the Soleau button within the game for details or see the Rollreg.txt file provided with this game. You are encouraged to pass this Shareware version of Rollem along to your friends or local BBS. Soleau Software depends upon your registrations to continue producing non-violent strategy logic game software for the computer market. Please support our work by registering your copy today! *********************************************** Visit our web site at: *********************************************** ORDER TODAY -- IT'S EASY !!! We accept MasterCard & Visa, U.S. or Canadian checks and P.O. Money orders Call, Send or Fax your Order Form Voice: 212.721.2361 Fax: 212.873.4994 You can use the Rollreg.txt file or click on Soleau Button within the game for options to send the order form to your printer. Soleau Software 163 Amsterdam Ave Ste.213 NYC NY 10023