ATTORNEY CHECK LIST ATTORNEY: HIRE DATE: Jan-03-64 ADDRESS: BAR #: LEAD TIME COMPLETED IN DAYS ___ NAME PLATE FOR DOOR Jan-03-64 ___ NAME ON BUILDING REGISTER Jan-03-64 ___ ANNOUNCEMENTS Jan-03-64 ___ STATE BAR BULLETIN Jan-03-64 ___ NEW LETTERHEAD Jan-03-64 $___ PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY COVERAGE Jan-03-64 ___ PARKING Jan-03-64 ___ MARTINDALE, HUBBEL Jan-03-64 ___ FURNITURE Jan-03-64 ___ DICTAPHONE & BLANK TAPES Jan-03-64 ___ BOOKS: Jan-03-64 & _________________________________ & _________________________________ & _________________________________ & _________________________________ ___ SUPPLIES ___ TIME SHEETS ___ MULTI-PURPOSE VOUCHER ___ DOCKET REQUESTS ___ PENS & PENCILS ___ TAPE DISPENSER ___ STAPLER & STAPLES ___ YELLOW LEGAL PADS ___ POST-IT NOTES ! ___ PAPER CLIPS & DISPENSER & ___ ___________________________ % ___ ___________________________ % ___ ___________________________ % ___ ___________________________ ___ PAYROLL, INSURANCE FORMS ___ W-4 ___ PHA FORM ___ UNION MUTUAL FORM # ___ UNION MUTUAL BOOKLETS (2) * ___ CAR AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE FORMS ___ CREDIT UNION CARDS ___ POLICY & PROCEDURES MANUAL ATTORNEY CHECK LIST (PAGE TWO) +PERIODICAL CIRCULATION LIST (PLEASE CHECK) ____ Advance Sheets ____ Environmental Law +____ Federal Income Gift & Estate Taxation #____ Journal of Corporate Taxation %____ Journal of Real Estate Taxation ____ Land Use Law-Zoning Digest 0____ Mortgage and Real Estate Executives Report "____ National Property Law Digest &____ Opinions of the Attorney General '____ Business and Corporate Law Digest ____ Law Review %____ Real Estate and Land Use Digest ____ Probate and Property ____ Real Estate Law Report ____ The Real Estate Law Digest ____ Real Estate Review ____ Real Estate Tax Ideas +____ Real Property, Probate, Trust Journal ____ Standard Federal Taxes ____ U.S. Tax Week ____ Journal of Taxation 1____ Securities and Federal Corporate Law Report ____ Federal Securities ____ Tax Law Review ____ Tax Management Memorandum #____ Administrative Rules Bulletin ____ Housing Finance Review ____ Preventative Law Reporter ____ Business Lawyer (____ Journal of Taxation of Investments